Our mission is to help strengthen families and support children, teens, and adults impacted by trauma and adversity.
| Every year, you make it possible for Canopy Center to provide crucial programming and therapy to youth and families affected by trauma and adversity. This year alone, we were able to provide over 7,100 hours of invaluable service.
While the confidential nature of our work prevents us from sharing many specific examples, we are honored to be able to share the following testimonial from a former client of our Oasis program:
“[Our Oasis therapist] helped our daughter and us through an especially dark and turbulent time. [Our daughter] knew she had a safe space at Canopy and she felt validated. She learned coping techniques and self-care skills that serve her still today. [Our therapist] was an empathetic and knowledgeable therapist. We are eternally grateful for [her] and the Oasis Program.”
Ways to make a difference |
Donate online or mail a check to:
2445 Darwin Rd Ste 15 Madison WI 53704
Did you know you can also make a Qualified Charitable Contribution to Canopy Center through your IRA distribution if you are 70 ½ or older? Click here for more information.
| We are in need of the following for our programs:
* Notebooks
* Fidgets
* Art supplies
* Saline solution, food coloring, glue, & baking soda to make slime (a popular activity!)
* Games
* Restaurant & Grocery Store Gift Cards in $10 increments
We have a number of volunteer opportunities available, for the below programs and to help with client services and childcare.
* CASA of Columbia County
* Parent to Child (to help with supervised visitation)
If you are interested in serving on our board of directors please contact our Executive Director, Meaghan through: volunteercoordinator@canopycenter.org
We are so grateful to have been chosen as an Invest in Others grant recipient! A special thanks to our board member, Austin Streeper for securing this grant on our behalf.
Grant funding is essential for us to continue providing services to youth and families impacted by trauma and adversity, in our area.
Read more about what this grant will support at Canopy Center here: https://www.investinothers.org/recipient/canopy-center/
CASA is looking for long-term volunteers to support families working toward reunification in Columbia County. Be the voice they need. 🤝
Meet Sarah Berndt, our new Development Director!
In her free time she enjoys yoga, hiking, camping, and gardening. She also loves spending time with her pup, Butters.
Welcome to Canopy Center, Sarah!
| Canopy Center is hiring!
Oasis is seeking a qualified individual to join their team as the Clinical Director.
*Applicant must have a Master’s in Counseling or related field, and be licensed in the State of Wisconsin (or ability to move licensure to Wisconsin).
| Canopy Center is hiring!
Oasis is looking for someone who is experienced, organized, and empathetic to fill the role of Client Coordinator.
Application period will close mid-January!
Be a part of the important work Canopy Center does in the community.
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