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The January Edition | January 12, 2017
Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Message from the President

Greetings friend, and welcome to the January Comfort Connection!
Many of you may have viewed a cantankerous Jerry Lewis in an interview he gave for The Hollywood Reporter.  You can view it by clicking HERE.
Many of us remember Jerry Lewis as the fun-loving entertainer on TV, film, stage, and radio. We watched for hours as the dynamic duo, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, performed with their zany acts. Who can forget the countless hours he spent for the kids affected by Muscular Dystrophy?
What was different in the last interview he gave compared to some other works we have seen him in? This interview targeted people who were still working in their nineties.
The first question is, “Have you ever thought about retiring?” to which he responds with a flat expression, “WHY?” 
What I got from watching this interview is, he does not want to be treated any different based on his age. He’s still a brilliant, talented, and very capable individual. If you treat him any differently, he owes you no courtesy whatsoever. The interviewer fired questions at him for an entire seven minutes. Perhaps if he had shown more respect, paid him some compliments, and stopped to tune into his mood, he could have turned those precious moments around. Instead, Jerry Lewis was in a foul mood to the end.
In the care we provide, it is so important to treat our older adults with respect and dignity. They don’t want to be treated differently because they are older. Have you ever had a conversation about them, talking around them while they are in the same room? Unfortunately, I am still hearing about incidents that occur in personal care homes where the older adult is treated roughly physically with no communication about what is coming next. No wonder people act out with behavioural difficulties! It breaks my heart.
Its important to remember the older adults in our lives for who they were and what they have contributed. Maybe they can’t communicate the same, or contribute the same, but they are the same person on the inside.


Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Caregiver Bill of Rights

What better way to start the new year than with a little self-care?
Remember that as a caregiver, you have rights!
You have the right to...
  • Take care of yourself
  • Seek help from others
  • Maintain facets of your life outside of the person you care for
  • Express your feelings
  • Reject any manipulation attempts by your loved ones
  • Receive consideration, affection, forgiveness and acceptance for your caregiving efforts
  • Be proud of your accomplishments and your courage
  • Protect your individuality
  • Access resources to support you in your caregiving efforts
Know that if you need additional help with caring for a loved one, we can help.

Recipe of the Month: Healing Bone Broth

This immune-boosting healing bone broth from local grocery delivery service My Farmers' Market is good for your bone and joint health -- and it's a snap to make!
Drink the bone broth as it is, use it to cook veggies or rice, or use it as a base the next time you're cooking soup or stew.

Get the simple recipe by clicking HERE.

Video: 90-year-old makes memories skydiving

There are so many ways we can make memories with our loved ones. This 90-year-old woman loves skydiving with her son! 
Take advantage of the new year as a time to identify a fun new activity that you and your loved one both enjoy... and start making memories together.

Dear Mr. By-Law Enforcement Officer...

Dear Mr. By-Law Enforcement Officer,
Sorry about running away from you with my dog Sunday afternoon at Lyndale Drive Park. I knew you wanted to give me a ticket for having my dog off-leash and I just couldn't bear the thought of parting with another $200 from my fixed income as a retired person.
I also knew that if I waited for you to come up and talk to me and I did not give my name you could give me a further $500 fine for "failing to provide identification to an enforcement officer." 
With $700 on the line I was motivated to run amazingly fast for an old man, which is probably why you elected not to pursue me on foot, got back in your van and gave chase in your vehicle. That was too bad, because as a usually law-abiding but completely out of shape senior citizen, I was quickly out of breath and you could have easily captured me by merely walking in my general direction... 

Self-Care Tips for the New Year

Want to live a little healthier?
This article features 12 healthy living tips from experts. Try a few of these ideas to improve your self-care!

Just like the 12 days of Christmas, practice 12 days of self-care in 2017.

Go for a walk, ski or snowshoe in the woods, treat yourself to a latte, book a massage, take a yoga class or volunteer. Don't forget that doing something for others not only makes them feel good, but can lift your spirits.

Joke of the Month

A lady noticed a happy, elderly man sitting on his porch.
"Excuse me," she said, "I just couldn’t help noticing how happy you look. Tell me, what is the secret to your long happy life?" 
"Well," the man responded, "I eat fatty foods, never exercise. I also smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, and drink about a case of whiskey a week."
"Wow!" the woman said, "and how old are you?"
"Twenty eight!" he said.

Touch Quilt Project

Crafted by caring volunteers in the community, touch quilts can bring comfort, happiness, and enjoyment, as well as lessen sadness and fear.
The hope with this project, presented by the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba, is to provide a quilt to every person residing in a personal care home in Manitoba and to create a sense of community giving!
We have touch quilts available for pick-up at either one of our office locations so you can be a part of the project, too.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Touch Quilt Project.

CLICK HERE to contact us about getting a touch quilt.

Comforts of Home - Care
P: 204.949.3234 | F: 204.949.9049 | E: info@cohcinc.com | W: ComfortsOfHomeCare.ca
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