Red Comet Press | PGW
9781636550305 | World Rights
Hardcover | $17.99 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Poetry
Myriad Editions | CBSD
 9781912408597 | World x UK, EU Rights
Paperback | $14.95 USD
Family & Relationships / Alternative Family
Hazy Dell Press | CBSD
 9781948931311 | World Rights
Board Book | $13.95 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Family / Parents
Genius Cat Books | Two Rivers
9781938447525 | World Rights
Board Book | $8.99 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Emotions & Feelings
Sungrazer Publishing | Two Rivers
 9798985581041 | World x UK Rights
Paperback | $12.99 USD
Young Adult Fiction / Romance
Clavis | PGW
 9781605376127 | World x ANZ Rights
Hardcover Picture Book | $17.95 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Emotions & Feelings
Ethicool Books | PGW
9780648872351 | World x ANZ Rights
Hardcover Picture Book | $18.95 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Love & Romance
New World Library | PGW
 9781608687619 | World x ANZ, UK Rights
Paperback | $17.95 USD
Family & Relationships / Marriage 
Hazy Dell Press | CBSD
 9781948931304 | World Rights
Board Book | $13.95 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Family / Parents 
Clavis | PGW
  9781605377476 | World x ANZ Rights
Board Book | $12.95 USD
Juvenile Fiction / Love & Romance 
 Gallic Books | CBSD
 9781913547189 | World Rights
Paperback | $15.95 USD
Fiction / Romance 
 Gallic Books | CBSD
9781910477885 | World Rights
Paperback | $15.95 USD
Fiction / Romance / Contemporary 
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