Tufts Student Life
Summer Registration Is Still Open!
March 18, 2022
Dear Student,
Are you trying to finalize your summer plans? Immerse yourself fully in your studies or take a class or two while working or completing an internship by registering now to take courses at Tufts this summer!
With an extensive offering of on-campus, evening and virtual courses, Summer at Tufts is accessible to anyone looking for the flexibility to combine summer study with internships and work, or even travel and vacation. Live and learn on campus, or study remotely; anything is possible this Summer at Tufts!
From on-campus courses to virtual offerings, Tufts has an endless array of options to meet your interests or needs this summer. Register here and plan your summer now.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at (617) 627-2000 or courses@tufts.edu.
The team at Courses at Tufts
University College | Tufts University
T: 617-627-2000
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