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We are rain or shine every Saturday 9a-1p & Sunday 10a-2p!
We are rain or shine every Saturday 9a-1p & Sunday 10a-2p!
Zucchini and summer squash in all shapes and sizes are about to take over the market! We look forward to its arrival each year, and even though its season stretches out for several months, we never get tired of eating this versatile veggie! There are so many ways to enjoy it, from savory to sweet (zucchini bread is a perfect way to use some excess courgettes). Our farmers will often sell the squash blossoms as well - beautiful golden yellow flowers that are edible and delicious when stuffed with cheese and fried.
Come out to the market this weekend to stock up on summer squash, seasonal fruits and veggies, Gulf seafood, pasture raised meats, and so much more!
FRESH AT THE MARKET: Click the image below to visit our Fresh at the Market page online, and find a list of what our farmers are bringing this weekend, what vendors are attending, market layouts, and more.


Arugula * Basil * Beans (purple, green) * Beet greens * Beets (red, golden) * Bok choy * Broccoli * Cabbage (green, red, Savoy, Chinese) * Carrots * Cauliflower * Chard * Cilantro * Cucumber * Dill * Escarole * Fennel * Garlic * Garlic scapes * Green onions * Kale * Kohlrabi * Leeks * Lettuce * Onions * Parsley * Peas (snow, sugar snap) Potatoes (new, sweet) * Radishes * Sorrel * Spinach * Strawberries * Tomatoes * Turnips * Watercress


Every day is Earth Day at the farmers' market! Click to watch our reel for some environmentally friendly tips for your market trip.



Every salad needs a little bit of crunch, wouldn't you agree? Our market chef Julia used crispy oatmeal to take this kale salad to the next level, combining fresh herbs, strawberries, and a homemade tahini dressing for a delicious mix of savory and sweet. Strawberry basil oatmeal from Oatmeal & Company was the perfect flavor complement for a fresh, summery salad. Learn how to make it at the link below and pick up ingredients at the market to try it yourself!
Get the recipe!
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