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Welcome to the new D-CHIPP Newsletter!

Our monthly newsletter has a new look! D-CHIPP is now using Emma as a platform for newsletters and other communications. The new format will allow you to forward the newsletter to others who can then sign up to receive future communication from D-CHIPP. If there is an upcoming event or other news you'd like to share with the D-CHIPP community, please contact Heather Mountz
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D-CHIPP Director's Note

Welcome to the first D-CHIPP Newsletter of the year! In Chinese tradition, this is the Year of the Ox, and how fitting. Oxen are known for their strength and determination, the same attributes we have used to navigate the past year.
In looking at a Chinese New Year website, I came across the following: 
"Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work."(1)
This resonated because it describes the readers of this newsletter. This year, too, will likely be challenging. The oxen image and attributes can serve as a reminder of our collective strength as we work to improve health in our community.
(1) Chinese New Year. (2021). Chinese Zodiac: Year of the Ox. Retrieved from
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Center for Nursing Research Update

After a very successful RESPECT NC workshop this past December, we are planning for the next phase of workshops.  RESPECT NC is a collaborative project between the Center for Nursing Research and D-CHIPP that aims to promote community engaged research and reduce health disparities. Starting in March, we will host one workshop a month and address the following topics: Research Ethics 101, Exemplar in Community Engaged Research, and Fiscal Readiness for Community Engaged Research. The workshops will be held on Fridays from 9-10:30 a.m. Watch your email for more information and registration link!
The Research Racial Justice Sub-Task Force is committed to ensuring that racial justice and equity are an integral part the research lifecycle. The sub-task force held its first meeting in November 2020, and is co-led by Jacqueline Brown, Research Program Leader, Jessalyn Byrd, Clinical Research Coordinator and Paula Tanabe, Vice Dean for Research. The group is comprised of faculty, staff, students and alumni from Duke University School of Nursing.  The goals of the sub-task force are:
  - Generate new knowledge on interventions that prevent health disparities and promote health and scientific equity, especially for underrepresented groups in research.
  - Engage community members as equitable partners and ensure SON research benefits the communities.
  - Embed a racial equity lens throughout the research lifecycle.
  - Build anti-racist and health equity processes into our research systems to eliminate bias in data collection, analysis, and reporting and improve the participant experience.

Through the support of the DUSON Leadership, subject matter experts and committee members, the following has been accomplished:
  - Received grant funding to launch Breaking Research Barriers: Conversations to Ensure Racial Justice and Equity in Research Practices – Monthly Podcast Series
  - Developing a Research Racial Equity Checklist Tool to be used in grant process to address administration, data, language, innovation, budget, etc. 
   - Working with School of Nursing and School of Medicine to develop a mini-research study on Demographics Reporting
  - Presentation abstract accepted at the Society for Nursing Research Annual Conference, entitled Implementation of a Racial Justice Task Force to Improve Inclusivity in Research

To learn more about the Sub-Task Force or to be become engaged, contact or

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DUSON faculty and staff volunteer at TROSA's COVID vaccination clinic

Several DUSON faculty and staff recently volunteered their time at TROSA during their COVID vaccination clinic. The clinic provided the second dose of the COVID vaccine to 200 of their residents and staff. Working with TROSA's campus Nurse Practitioner and DUSON staff member, Sarah Cottingham*, were faculty members Midge Bowers, Michelle Hartman*, Jacqui McMillian-Bohler*, as well as Jean Hanson, Clinical Instructor, and Mary Barzee*, staff member.
"It was such a great day...everyone was so grateful to receive the vaccine and it's just a collective sigh of relief and hope for everyone here," said TROSA Chief Program Officer Karen Kelley. "Our residents and staff have been so diligent with new policies and protocols to keep our campus healthy and safe and having this moment together, moving forward in the direction to hopefully change the tide of COVID-19, was a very rewarding moment!'

*Indicates D-CHIPP Affiliate
Pictured above L-R: Midge Bowers, Jacqui McMillian-Bohler, Jean Hanson, Michelle Hartman, Mary Barzee, and Sarah Cottingham.

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Faculty Affiliates Contribute to Durham County Community Health Assessment

The 2020 Durham County Community Health Assessment will soon be released. Several D-CHIPP faculty affiliates contributed to this year's assessment including Irene Felsman and Michelle Hartman, who went door-to-door in Durham neighborhoods collecting data (as did Bradi Granger's son!). Faculty affiliates also wrote chapters of the assessment including Donna Biederman (Health and Housing) and Iris Padilla (Diabetes). Thanks to all our affiliates who donated their time and expertise to the 2020 Durham County Community Health Assessment.
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D-CHIPP Faculty Affiliate Spotlight: Donna Biederman, DrPH, MN, RN, CPH, FAAN, Director of D-CHIPP

Hometown: St. Johns, Arizona
Favorite thing about working at DUSON: The collaborative environment that feels like family.
One of my favorite Durham businesses: Monuts. I've had a lot of great breakfasts with students and community partners at Monuts.  
Research interests: homelessness, homeless medical respite, housing policy
Local committee participation: Co-Chair of Health and Housing Committee and Steering Committee member of the Partnership for Healthy Durham; HMIS@NCCEH (Homeless Management Information System at North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness)
Courses taught currently or recently: N397 Community and Public Health Nursing; N977 Planning and Evaluating Care for Populations

What Dr. Biederman likes best about working in community health: The opportunity to listen to our community members and work in partnership with them to improve health.

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D-CHIPP Welcomes New Student Affiliates

Diana Bennet, Tomi Jegede, Jessie Kovach, Aslesha Pressley, and Tyler Power all were recently approved by the D-CHIPP Executive Committee as student affiliates. Together with seven students (Frank Garcia, Hayley Goell, Natalie Hartmond, Sara Grace Hiller, Harmeet Kaur, Candace Saunders, and Rebekah Smith) approved in the fall, there are twelve D-CHIPP affiliates out of the 2021 fall ABSN cohort!

Upcoming Events

D-CHIPP Critical Conversation Documentary Series
Wednesday, February 24th at 3:30 p.m. 
We will be screening “MaryAnn,” a documentary by WRAL about MaryAnn Black. MaryAnn Black was a NC State Representative and Associate Vice President of Community Affairs at Duke University Health System. She was dedicated to improving the world around her, and beloved by those who knew her. Please join us as we remember and honor MaryAnn Black and her impact at Duke and in Durham.

D-CHIPP Student Affiliate Meeting
Wednesday, March 17th at 3:30 p.m.

D-CHIPP CHAT (Community Health Academic Talk)
Faculty Featured: Schenita Randolph, PhD, MPH, RN, CNE
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 3:30 p.m.

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