Message from the President
Greetings friend, and welcome to the May Comfort Connection,
As you may be aware, Comforts of Home - Care has a new owner now! We are so excited to welcome Dalbir Bains to the company as the new owner! The sale was announced in our March newsletter. You probably haven’t noticed any changes. Everything is running pretty much the same as previously. All the same people are in place, even me!
I would like to give you an opportunity to hear from Dalbir Bains. Dalbir Bains is the owner of FGC Health and several pharmacies around Manitoba. Here are a few words from Comforts of Home – Care’s new owner:
It’s with a warm heart that I introduce myself as the new owner of the Comforts of Home - Care organization. My path to Comforts of Home - Care came through combining my passion for innovation and serving under-serviced communities. My business endeavours have taken me to some of the more under-serviced areas in Canada: Nunavut, Yukon, and Northern Manitoba. From these travels I have gained a necessary appreciation of serving people.
My volunteer experiences with Meals on Wheels brought me to so many senior’s homes in Winnipeg. I was touched by the interactions I had with each customer.
Katherine has built a remarkable organization that truly practices its core values. I am very fortunate to be supporting the next chapter of growth for Comforts of Home - Care. We will have more news to share in the coming months on how we hope to further support our existing Comforts of Home - Care clients.
We have been able to develop a supportive relationship of deep respect through the negotiating and sale process. We look forward to all of Dalbir's new and fresh ideas and input. Comforts of Home - Care is in great hands and faces a wonderful future under the new leadership of Dalbir Bains.