Registration Push, part 3! TODAY from 11-1 in SCE near the Bookstore, LCLC and LCSL volunteers are publicizing all LCSL programs for Spring 2025. We’ll hand out flyers, candy, buttons, and we’ll spread good will for all programs.
Enrollment boosts: LCLC is also featuring you and your programs on LCLC Instagram and Facebook pages! Get inspired by checking out recent posts by Margarita Saona (video!), Ibinabo Wilton Harry, Duosi Meng, Maria Iusco, Colton Seaman, and others. Then send us (email your own 30-second video and/or and image with caption to publicize your course or program or language or discipline, or all at once! Thanks to everyone who has participated in this social media enrollment boost so far.
Supporting students in the 100-level classroom: surveys of students in our 100-level Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, and French classrooms show that students have very positive responses to Language Learning Assistants in their classrooms. Students’ most frequent suggestion: Bring LLAs to class more than just once a week. Encourage your upper-level students to become Language Learning Assistants in Spring 2025! Find more information on our website: Become a tutor/LLA.
We look forward to meeting and working with your students!