Message from Provost Daire |
College of the Arts and Architecture
Dean Announcement
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Message from Provost Daire
College of the Arts and Architecture Dean Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Winifred (Elysse) Newman as Dean of the College of the Arts and Architecture, effective June 2, 2025. Dr. Newman comes to UWM from Clemson University where she serves as the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, Mickel Professor of Architecture, and Director of the Institute for Materials, Systems, and Environments in the College of Architecture, Art, and Construction. Previously, she was Head of the Department of Architecture at the University of Arkansas, and Director of Advanced Studies at Florida International University (FIU).
Dr. Newman completed her PhD in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Planning, and Urban Design, MPhil, and MArch at Harvard University. She has a BArch and a BS in History from the University of Texas at Austin and was a candidate for a BFA in Music Theory and Composition.
| Dr. Winifred (Elysse) Newman
Dr. Newman has maintained an academic career as a researcher, historian, and theorist. She received $18 million in NSF and other funding to study spatial perception and neuroaesthetics with active research in neuroscience and architecture, data visualization, STEM education, and histories of technology and science.
I congratulate the Search and Screen Committee, chaired by John Berges, for its outstanding work, and I thank Interim Dean Kevin Hartman for his excellent service and leadership.
With appreciation,
Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
| University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2310 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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