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According to the Comptroller of the Treasury's Division of Local Audit, so far this year, in addition to Blount, Sullivan and Tipton Counties - Weakley County has received a clean audit.  Congratulations Weakley County!
FEMA will be accepting comments for the proposed Disaster Deductible concept until March 21.  The proposal would, in the period following a disaster declaration, set a predetermined level of state disaster funding or investment in resilience before FEMA would begin to provide additional assistance through the Public Assistance program.  This is your opportunity to provide comments on part of or the whole concept.  Click here to learn more.  
Recently, Metro Nashville/Davidson County public schools partnered with the Nashville public defender, district attorney, and criminal court clerk's office to bring court into Nashville neighborhoods on the weekend.  The new program seeks to help parents resolve minor legal issues outside of the typical work week and help the local justice system take care of cases that could potentially bog down court dockets.  Click here to read the full article published by the Tennesseean on February 11
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