Standards Board presentation, New Worksafe Board Members, Honoring Stephen
Standards Board presentation, New Worksafe Board Members, Honoring Stephen

January Newsletter

Worksafe + LSPC Presentation on Climate and Prisoner's Rights at the Standards Board

On January 16th Worksafe and our colleagues at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children teamed up to give a presentation to the Standards Board on the increasingly adverse conditions faced by workers in corrections facilities as climate change accelerates.

You can watch the presentation here:

Introducing: New Board Members Elmer Lizardi and Sarah Kanbar

What interests you about worker health and safety?

Elmer: I would not really say that worker health and safety is an interest of mine, but rather a responsibility. I was born into a family and community of farmworkers, so I witnessed from a young age the impact that employer discretion can have on individuals and families alike, especially when it comes to worker health and safety. I have unfortunately witnessed the difference between employers who value the hard work and humanity of their employees as they put their lives on the line daily, and those who do not. Workers have the right to be treated fairly and to have adequate health and safety protections at every workplace, regardless of who their employer is. I think I do have a responsibility to help protect workers in whatever ways I can, because of my personal experience, but also because of the need to ensure a healthier and more equitable quality of life for the workers who actually grow, maintain, build, and rebuild California. 
Sarah: I firmly believe that all workers are entitled to work in safety and security, without fear of being subjected to physical, psychological, or other harm. I further believe that legal protections for workers’ safety are insufficient and outdated because they do not factor generational changes including the climate crisis, workplace violence, and the purported technological advances that rely on unregulated artificial intelligence.  Thus, it is necessary that we ensure workers are well-educated and have the capacity and knowledge to organize around the issues that impact their workplace, as they are best positioned to determine what is necessary to be safe at work.
What inspired you to serve on the Worksafe board?
Elmer: When I started in my role with the California Federation of Labor Unions, I learned about Worksafe, their mission, and I began meeting many of the folks who are involved in the organization, and I think I was ultimately inspired by both the mission and its advocates to join the board and contribute to its success.
Sarah: Worksafe is one of the rare organizations whose work is centered on the right to have a safe and healthy workplace and uses a variety of strategies to deliver on that mission.  I believe that rectifying something as widespread as health and safety issues cannot be done through one method, and that we need a variety of options, including organizing, public outreach, and legal advocacy to ensure workers know their rights, know how to organize to protect that right, and how to enforce that right.
What is the most pressing issue facing California workers in 2025?           
Elmer: It is always difficult to only choose one major issue, but I will say that right now, new technologies and how they affect workers' job functions, health and safety, privacy, and job security is one of the most pressing issues we must tackle as worker advocates. We are already witnessing health, safety, and privacy being thrown to the wayside for the sake of efficiency, with little regard for how it manifests in worker's lives in real time. And as advancements in tech continue, we must ensure that workers are at the forefront of how that tech is implemented in the workplace to ensure sensible and ethical use that highlights and improves workers' skills rather than diminishes, exploits, or eliminates them. I would also be remiss if I did not mention the constant wage theft that workers face daily in California. Workers have billions of dollars stolen from them every year, and because it is so pervasive, it is often forgotten or ignored. Workers deserve what they have earned. 
Sarah: The most pressing issue is ensuring that workers have the power to organize around safety issues in their workplace.  There is little incentive for employers to proactively respond to safety concerns, since CalOSHA penalties are relatively low and are often dismissed as a cost of doing business.  Workers yield the power to hold their employers accountable and ensure safety in the workplace.
Please join us in welcoming them to Worksafe!

Thank You for Your Donations!

Profuse thanks to all of the fine folks who contributed to our fundraiser at the end of 2024. It will take all of us standing shoulder to shoulder with one another to ensure safety, health and justice for all! We are inspired by and grateful for your contributions. 

Celebrating Five Years as Executive Director 

Congratulations on your excellent tenure thus far as Executive Director of Worksafe, Stephen Knight! 
Here are some reflections from team members on Stephen's leadership:
Before we hired Stephen, we asked him what he would do as Worksafe’s Executive Director. He said something to the effect of, “I will do my best to support the talented and hard-working staff at Worksafe so that they can excel.” Within an hour of walking through our front doors, Stephen rolled up his sleeves and got to work. In the past five years, I have witnessed Stephen dedicate not just a part of himself, but his entire mind, body, and soul to working alongside staff and Board, blood, sweat, and tears and all…with dignity, courage, and poise, and the usual dose of E.D. loneliness and anxiety. In so doing, he has ensured that our work serves our mission and that the staff at Worksafe have a supportive environment that truly allows them to evolve and excel. I can sincerely say that Stephen is probably one of the most impactful leaders I’ve ever worked with. Happy 5th Anniversary, you do-gooder-you! - Jora

Over the past five years, Stephen has adapted well to his role while fostering a collaborative and transformational environment that aligns with Worksafe's core values. -Karin

I have had very few leaders who made me feel so appreciated and inspired to do my best. Stephen is extremely dedicated to the work and he leads with an effective combination of humility and confidence. Thank you for all you do, Stephen! -Rachel

Guided by your thoughtful leadership, Worksafe is empowered, joyful, and most of all--a very safe place to be! Happy Five Years at Worksafe Stephen! - Amira

Stephen has been such a gem in my learning process in allowing me the space to really make decisions and find my own strengths and rhythm. I always feel supported and safe, what more can I ask for? Thank you Stephen, Happy Anniversary and here's to the upcoming years! 🥂  - Benita

Even though I've only worked with SK for a few months, his sense of humor, and collaborative spirit have made a lasting impression—he's an incredible teammate and a joy to work with!  -Cerina
Happy 5th Anniversary, Stephen!

Save the Date! 

We have officially selected Wednesday, June 4th for our anniversary celebration. Mark down it down on your calendars–we’ll be gathering to celebrate “Beloved Community” at Drake's Dealership in Oakland!

(Beloved Community is a term coined by philosopher Josiah Royce and popularized by Martin Luther King, Jr., and many movement folks use it today as shorthand for the kind of society we work towards, one which is ruled by deep respect and concern for every single member.)
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