Note from Alumni Board Chair Emily Baker Tobin
Thanks to all of you who attended Alumni Reunion Weekend at Owen a few weeks ago. What a fun, inspiring gathering of over 200 folks from every reunion class, recent 2017 grads and many early alums from the 70s! 
The Owen Circle (to learn more, please reach out to me or any board member) was thrilled to honor Jack Long, MBA’83, with the Distinguished Alumni Award on Thursday. Jack's contributions are unique reflections of his interests, motivators, and world view. It’s important to note that Jack’s wife Carolyn, also a Vanderbilt MBA’83, has been an indispensable partner in all of their ventures. Jack and Carolyn have provided gifts that seeded the Center for Entrepreneurship and also helped establish an Entrepreneurial fund for Owen in 2009, giving first-year MBAs the opportunity to pursue entrepreneurial pursuits over the summer. Together, the Longs have given so much to our Owen community, and we are extremely grateful.   
The Owen community welcomed us back Friday evening with a fantastic reception for all Owen classes.  Delicious southern specialties complemented by a Heaven Hill Whiskey tasting bar and festive tunes from the Lister Brothers filled the Owen lobby and the newly renovated courtyard. No one even needed to head to downtown Nashville, as this party was hopping well into the evening! Thanks to our new alumni relations team Jill Dunham and Jessica Bradley for such a great event.  
Finally, all the Saturday class parties at cool Nashville restaurants were well attended and offered more opportunity to catch up with old friends and faculty. Thanks to Rich May (EMBA ’87) and M Street for hosting these celebrations.   
This was truly a special weekend, and we appreciate all of you who took time out of your busy schedules to attend and make it such a success! We hope to see all of you at future events in Nashville or in your local cities at an Owen Closing Bell. Thanks again and anchor down for Owen! Click here for photos
Paul Jacobson
Delta CFO Paul Jacobson First Distinguished Alumni Speaker
Reunion attendees were treated to an inspiring talk from Paul Jacobson, CFO of Delta Airlines, Vanderbilt MBA’97 and Board of Visitors. The story of his journey from Owen to leading Delta out of bankruptcy and into the S&P500 was thrilling and a true testament of the quality of Owen’s education and leadership development. Thank you Paul for inspiring all of us! 
Alumni Gather in Nashville and Far Flung Cities 
October is special month for alumni to rekindle friendships and make new ones. Nearly 250 alumni gathered in Nashville for a warm fall reunion; in the days after reunion, there were several alumni Closing Bells in world-class business cities, including New York, Charlotte, Miami, Atlanta, and Sao Paulo. Thanks to our many local hosts, including Kurt Hogan, Jose Fuster, Mac Worsham, and Jon Stevens. See More.
10th Annual Vanderbilt Business Healthcare Conference on November 3
Next Friday, the Vanderbilt Business Healthcare Conference will bring together industry veterans, MBA students, and the Nashville community for a day of learning about upcoming health care trends. The student-run conference will be held at the Aertson Midtown hotel. This year’s theme is “Disrupting Healthcare.” Alumni are welcome to attend. Learn More.
Vanderbilt MBA Graduates Reach New Highs in Compensation 
Graduates from Vanderbilt's full-time MBA program reported average base salary earnings of $113,205 per year, marking a nearly 2.6 percent increase from the previous year, which until now had been the highest on record. The average starting/signing bonus was $25,232, which makes the Class of 2017 the highest compensated class in Owen history. Learn more.
Finding Yourself Through Finance: MSF Program Launches Alum on Private Equity Path
Most finance employees in the early stages of their career hope to move eventually from investment banking to the private equity side. A rare few land jobs in private equity from the start, and Arti Vula (MSF’17) is one of them. Learn More.
A Conversation with Microsoft's Yvette Smith 
Dean Johnson recently sat down with DSS Speaker Yvette Smith, Microsoft's General Manager for Global Customer Support and Services, to discuss cyber security, cloud services, and women in the tech industry. Watch here.
Submit a Proposal for EMBA Capstone Project 
Alumni often comment that the hallmark of the EMBA program is the Capstone Strategy Project their C-Teams complete in Year 2. Executive sponsors of these projects frequently report impressive analysis from teams that lead them to make meaningful business decisions. As second-year students begin their search for  companies to sponsor their Capstone Strategy Projects, we invite you to submit a proposal for a domestic or international project for consideration

Executive Education

Vanderbilt staff and alumni receive a 25 percent discount.

November 2-3: Persuasive and Influential Speaking
Taught by Kimberly Pace 

Improve your management communication speaking skills, no matter what the managerial or executive situation, through this unique two-day program. Through analysis of your personal speech style strengths and weaknesses, you will leave this course with confidently knowing how to achieve your communication goals. 
Register here.

November 8-9: Leading Millenials

Taught by Cherrie Clark

Everyone knows that the Millennial generation is different. In this two-day program, participants will dive deep to learn who Millennials are and how to lead them to further organizational goals
Register here.
November 13-14: Communications Strategies for Senior Leadership
Taught by Kimberly Pace

The higher you move up the management ladder, the more your communication skills play a critical role in your ability to be an effective leader. In this interactive program, you’ll develop and practice techniques for communicating at a senior level.
 Register here.

Owen in the News
October 18, 2017 
Engineering and Science Building
Vanderbilt's new Engineering and Science Building, which includes the Wond'ry, is profiled. The role of Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management is featured.
September 29, 2017 
Research finds large pay disparities can be regarded as fair, with proper motivational orientation 
When employees are guided by the pursuit of gains and advancement, they can view pay disparities as fair, according to new research by Tae-Youn Park of Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management.

September 24, 2017
B-School Bulletin: Amazon and an Era's End
Poets & Quants
The Healthcare Symposium at Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management is profiled.

Read More Owen in the News

Parting Shot: Doug Parker

Doug Parker, Chairman and CEO of American Airlines Group, Vanderbilt MBA’86 and Board of Visitors, received the Vanderbilt University Professional Achievement Award for his accomplishments in the airline industry.

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