Latest news for the Nebraskans for the Arts
Latest news for the Nebraskans for the Arts

Working to Support the CREATE Act
Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to visit with several members to request co-sponsorship of the CREATE Act - Comprehensive Resources for Entrepreneurs in the Arts to Transform the Economy (H.R. 1649 and S. 661).
NFTA, along with a representative from the Americans for the Arts, were able to visit with Rep. Bacon, Rep. Fortenberry, and Sen. Fischer to discuss the benefits of the CREATE Act in supporting the creative industries in Nebraska.
To learn more about the CREATE Act, visit this website
Take action in asking our Members of Congress in co-sponsoring the bill by contacting them HERE.
Arts Advocacy Day
@ the State Capitol
February 13, 2018
Watch for some new features
Career Opportunities
Arts for All has openings for a Grant Writer and a Voice Instructor.
Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts
is seeking a 
Exhibitions Manager
 to facilitate all aspects of its Exhibition program.
The Blue Barn is seeking several positions - a Development Director and a Box Office/House Manager
Opera Omaha has several positions currently available, including a  seeking a Cutter/DraperDevelopment Coordinator, and Theatre Tech Apprenticeship Program Director
If you have a job opportunity, please forward to NFTA and we will help spread the word about it.
Call for Nominations: Lincoln's 40th Annual Mayor's Arts Awards
The Mayor of Lincoln, in cooperation with the Lincoln Arts Council, is seeking nominations to formally honor contribution and achievement in the arts at the 2018 Mayor's Arts Awards. The deadline for nominations is December 1. More information can be found HERE.
Federal Tax Reform and Its Impact to the Arts 
Tax reform legislation has been on a very active track this month. On November 16, the U.S. House voted along part-lines to pass their tax reform bill (H.R. 1) by a vote of 227-205.
The bill contains a number of provisions that will have a negative impact to charitable organizations and the arts.
  • Overwhelming majority of taxpayers would no longer have access to make tax-deductible charitable contributions. That charitable tax deduction would be limited to the wealthiest 5% of taxpayers.
  • Entertainment, amusement, recreation and membership dues expenses related to a business purpose or meeting would be repealed.
  • Doubling exemptions and ultimate full repeal of the estate tax, which has historically generated major gifts to charities.
  • Elimination of the teacher supplies and instructional materials deduction.
  • Repeal of options to treat musical compositions and copyrights in musical works as capital assets.
  • Repeal of the historic tax credit.
The latest analysis of the House bill by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates that charities, including nonprofit arts organizations, could see a staggering loss of up to $20 billion annually. The resulting loss in charitable giving will cause significant consequences for the health of America's nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve.
Meanwhile, the Senate is working on a separate bill. This week, the Senate is continuing its consideration in committee, including working through hundreds of amendments. 
Now that the House has passed their bill, the Senate anticipates passing their version after the Thanksgiving holiday. These actions will set up a negotiation between the House and Senate. All of this work is an attempt to pass a final bill before the end of the year.
Congress needs to hear from you. Make your voice heard through a link at the Americans for the Arts Action Center. Tax reform happens once in a generation. For over 100 years, the U.S. tax code has encouraged charity, benefiting the millions of Americans who access services provided by nonprofit organizations. Help #ProtectGiving
Here’s your chance to make a real difference
for the arts across Nebraska.
On Tuesday, November 28, people from across Nebraska will be helping their favorite nonprofits through #GivingTuesday.
On #GivingTuesday, Nebraskans for the Arts (NFTA) is offering a special pARTner membership option. Not only will you be joining NFTA and becoming an advocate for the arts, you will also be helping one of your favorite arts organizations. $10 of your membership will be sent to an arts organization of your choosing.

Join us in supporting the arts in Nebraska by joining at least at the $30 level at pARTner Membership - #Giving Tuesday. Thank you!

There is still time to sign up and be a part of Poetry Out Loud. Every high school in Nebraska is welcome. 
  • Fulfills man Nebraska state standards in language arts and theatre
  • Teacher resources and support; including visiting poets to assist with classroom activities.
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