Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Friendly Post-Thanksgiving Reminders …
We hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. Here are a few important reminders that will continue to help keep us safe and strong as we move into winter.
If you traveled over Thanksgiving break, please remember to ...
      Follow quarantine protocols outlined in the HR Update on Travel, Testing and Quarantine
      Review and follow NYS COVID-19 travel advisory details, FAQs and updates on the New York State Department of Health website
      Fill out the New York Traveler Health Form upon entering New York State, if you traveled out of state. This will prompt specific guidance from the Department of Health. Also please be sure to report any out-of-state travel on the CampusClear app.
On-campus COVID-19 surveillance testing for employees and students continues …
      Find registration, self-scheduling tool (where you select a time and location that works best for you) and testing schedule information on the COVID-19 Pooled Testing page of the Coming Back Safe and Strong website. Commuter and resident student testing information can also be found on this web page.
      Please note that University testing cannot be accessed by those under a quarantine order. Other testing sites can be found on the New York State Information on Novel Coronavirus web page.
Now through Monday, December 7 …
As of Friday, November 27 through Monday, December 7, we are following temporary guidelines to help support the health and safety of our employees, post-Thanksgiving break, by reducing the density on campus. Please check with your supervisor to see how or if this may affect your on-campus work arrangement during that time.
Take Your (Flu) Shot this Friday
As we continue to battle the flu this winter, please note you can get a flu shot this Friday, December 4, 9 am – 12 pm in the SAC Auditorium at our next CVS Flu Clinic. If you haven’t yet, we urge you to take this important step toward health and safety.    
Pooled Testing Information Now Available on the COVID-19 Dashboard
The COVID-19 dashboard has been keeping us all up-to-date on the number of positive COVID cases, quarantine information, campus density and more. With pooled saliva testing taking place at more locations and helping us stop the spread of Coronavirus, we have now added that information to our COVID-19 dashboard. Check out SBU’s enhanced COVID-19 dashboard here.
Stony Brook Medicine Sets Its Sights on the New Normal
Take a minute to watch this video to see how colleagues are embracing the use of appropriate eye protection and keeping Stony Brook Medicine safe with new safety eye-wear.
Remember the Provost Lecture Series Episodes This Week
Wed., 12/2, 12-1 pm: Fotis Sotiropoulos discusses: How Far is Far Enough and Can Masks Curb the Spread of COVID-19?
Thursday, 12/3, 12-1 pm: Ken Kaushansky, Bettina Fries and Sharon Nachman discuss: COVID Vaccines in Development: Which Ones May Give Us Our Best Shot at Returning to Normalcy?
See more details on both presentations and/or register on the Lecture Series page of the Office of the Provost website
Simple Steps to Continue to Help Keep Us All Safe
Some of the most important things you can do to keep us safe and ‘open for classes’ beyond this semester are also some of the simplest:
●    Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
●    Maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
●    Wear a mask.
●    Cover coughs/sneezes and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
●    Clean and disinfect frequently touched workplace surfaces every day.
●    Try to avoid using others' phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment.
●    Stay home if you’re sick.
Complete your CampusClear app to assess for COVID-19 symptoms before arriving to campus.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
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