WRJ Webinars | Convention Update | Sisterhood Events | More
WRJ  Webinars | Convention Update | Sisterhood Events | More
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News from the Northeast

June 2, 2020
This eblast is sent from northeast@wrj.org.
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Did you miss the May newsletter? You can read it here.

Message from Sharon Sobel

First Vice President
WRJ Northeast District

The Class of 2020… We are now the proud – and possibly desperate – members of the Class of 2020. We have learned to master the possibilities available to us on Zoom, and may even have figured out how to mute ourselves. We have attended classes, services, book groups and workshops, gaining much information and not a single calorie. We have attended the Fried Women’s Conference, learning that it’s possible to quadruple registered attendees if we only allow them to stay at home and occasionally push a cat off the keyboard. We have figured out how to make use of every item of food hidden in the recesses of our pantry. We have been instructed not to hug friends we see in passing on the street, not to fidget with our masks, not to open the mail until it’s had enough time to bleach in the sun. We have learned that Passover dinners, b’nai mitzvot ceremonies, weddings, and funerals can still be emotionally satisfying experiences in unprecedented circumstances.
We have learned many things and, as is the case for others in the Class of 2020, we are asked to reflect on our life, our relationships, and our future. Many of us have found strength in the vast uncertainties of the pandemic. We have discovered a whole new world in the confines of our home. And, with little time and even less experience, we have brought our sisterhood and women’s groups members into the new reality of our lives. The women’s seders, end-of-year dinners, book groups, and installations did not happen as planned, but they have happened, nevertheless.
In this spirit of finding possibilities in great challenges, our Convention 2020 Committee is in the process of recreating many of the events, workshops, and services that were to be part of our biennial celebration in Tarrytown, New York. The women of the Northeast District will still meet in November, online, to engage with speakers, celebrate Shabbat, discuss leadership strategies, inaugurate our new YES Fund Tree, and install a new board of directors. And because geography and travel costs will no longer be a barrier to “Celebrating our Stories,” we are working with another WRJ district to coordinate and collaborate on several of our programs.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom through the months ahead, and at our 2020 Convention. This, too, will be one of the stories we’ll celebrate. For all of us in the Class of 2020, faced with startling changes to our plans and great uncertainties, have learned to adapt and endure, because we are stronger together.
Sharon Sobel
Temple B'nai Chaim, Georgetown, CT

Online District Speakers

We are pleased to announce that speakers from the Northeast District may be arranged for online Zoom meetings.
There is no cost to your sisterhood or women’s group for an online speaker.

Sisterhood Events

All WRJ members are invited to these events

Wednesday June 3, 7:30 p.m. - TV Discussion: Shtisel

Join the Sisterhood of B'nai Israel (Southbury, CT) for a conversation about Shtisel. RSVP to BnaiSisters@gmail.com for the registration link.

Thursday, June 18, 7 p.m. - Author Talk: Linda Hirshman

The Women’s Organization of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue (New York) invites you to hear author-lawyer-pundit Linda Hirshman for a discussion of women's 50-year search for dignity and respect. Hirshman is the author of Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment and Sisters in Law: How Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World. RSVP to response@swfs.org or (212) 877-4050 ext.260 for the registration link.

Fried Women’s Conference 2020
Extension Programs

Wednesday, June 3, 7:30 p.m. – Incoming Sisterhood President Webinar

A workshop where incoming sisterhood presidents can learn about tools and resources available from WRJ to help set you up for success REGISTER HERE.

Monday June 8, 7 p.m. – Women's Leadership Institute

A follow-up session to Rabbi Elana Kanter's workshop at the Fried Women's Conference about the Women's Leadership Institute. REGISTER HERE.

Tuesday, June 16, 7:30 p.m. – Help! We Don't Have a President

Join to hear about “out of the box” leadership structures that other women’s groups have found successful. REGISTER HERE.

Tuesday, June 23, 7:30 p.m. – Let's Talk Money

A workshop about sisterhood financial workings for treasurers and board members. Learn your sisterhood's financial obligations and reporting requirements, as well as alternative dues models REGISTER HERE.

Additional Online Programming

Check out the new ONLINE PROGRAMMING GROUP on Yammer/WRJ for the latest offerings.

Online Resource Roundup

WRJ has created a new ONLINE PROGRAMMING GROUP on Yammer. Look there for online events, and post your sisterhood’s online events there.
The Northeast District website also lists UPCOMING WEBINARS, RECENT WEBINARS, and ONGOING RESOURCES.

District Convention Update

Mark November 6-8 on your calendar

We listened!

Given worries about large gatherings and travel safety, the WRJ Northeast District Convention is going virtual.
Follow us on Facebook and watch "News from the Northeast" for details regarding schedule, workshops, services, and registration.
We look forward to seeing you there!

News from WRJ

Off the Beaten Track: A WRJ Virtual Israel Trip
Monday-Friday, June 15-19

WRJ tour guide Shari Robbins will lead us from Biblical Israel to the modern state, from the Tanakh to the Supreme Court. We will visit lesser-known Jewish historical sites and learn about the biblical modern women who helped to shape Israel. The trip will take place June 15-19 (Monday-Friday) from noon to 1:00 p.m., followed by an optional discussion in “breakout buses” until 1:30 p.m. There will be a special Shabbat element to close out our time together on Friday. Participation cost is $50, which will be donated to the YES Fund. REGISTER HERE.

WRJ Weekly Schmooze Sessions

WRJ is offering weekly online schmooze sesions hosted by members of the WRJ Executive Committee.
Check the June calendar for the Zoom links. (Yammer access is required.)

Other News

Resources During Social Distancing

The URJ has compiled a list of COVID-19 resources for congregations. This includes valuable information on how to stay connected, tools for education, and tips for observing Passover at home.

RAC Civic Engagement Campaign: Every Voice, Every Vote

June 3, 8 p.m. - Combatting Voter Suppression

Ensure that eligible voters are registered and equipped to cast their vote. GET THE DETAILS AND REGISTER

June 11, 8 p.m. - Mobilizing Our Voters

Learn techniques to help achieve 100% voting by eligible voters in your congregation or community. GET THE DETAILS AND REGISTER

Incubator Grants

There is still time to apply for an incubator grant.
WRJ is offering Incubator Grants of $500-$2,500 to WRJ sisterhoods and women’s groups for creative programs that promote one or more of WRJ’s three S’s: sisterhood, spirituality, or social good. WRJ is looking specifically for programs that encourage tikkun olam, promote Reform Jewish values, create caring communities, and/or cultivate spiritual or personal growth in its participants. Get the details here.
Apply for a 2019-2020 WRJ Incubator Grant HERE.
Applications will be accepted until June 30, 2020, or until funds are depleted.
Want more information? Read the FAQ. Have questions? Contact WRJ Engagement Associate Jenny Levy at jelevy@wrj.org or (212) 650-4060.

WRJ Northeast is Back on Twitter

Follow us at @WRJNortheast 

Calendar and Other Resources


June is LGBTQ Pride Month
June 3 Incoming Sisterhood President Webinar
June 3 Combating Voter Suppression
June 8 Women's Leadership Institute
June 11 Mobilizing our Voters
June 16 Help! We Don't Have a President
June 23 Let's Talk Money
June 30 Incubator Grant Application Deadline

Save the Date

November 5-8 Northeast District Convention
March 11-14, 2021 WRJ Fried Women's Conference, New Orleans

New sisterhood presidents and women's group leaders!

Please complete the LEADERSHIP INFORMATION FORM so that we can update our records and keep you informed with news, events, advocacy alerts, and more.

Keep in Touch
with WRJ Northeast

Twitter Facebook Instagram
NEwebsite yammer

Need access to Yammer?

Contact Heather Lorgeree at 212‑650‑4050 or email her at leadership@wrj.org.

Request a Speaker

Your sisterhood is entitled to a district speaker once every two years, without expense to your sisterhood.
In alternate years, you may REQUEST A WRJ SPEAKER.

Moment Magazine

Subscribe via the WRJ Shop, and one-half of the $18 subscription price will benefit WRJ initiatives.
VAWA PayFairness
Together we can make a difference

Did You Know...

Flag Day has a Jewish connection

Ben Altheimer, a Jewish philanthropist, inspired the first official observance of Flag Day.

  • On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress approved Betsy Ross’s design for the United States flag.
  • In 1910, St. Louis banker and cotton broker Ben Altheimer happened to be in San Antonio on June 14. The military flag ceremony that evening by soldiers at Fort Sam Houston stirred his heart.
  • Returning to St. Louis, Altheimer offered to give a fine flag to any institution which would formally observe the June 14 Flag Day.
  • In 1912, the St. Louis celebration of Flag Day was made official by mayoral proclamation.
  • On May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14.
Visit our website Follow us on Twitter www.facebook.com/WRJNortheast wrjneblast@gmail.com
Share this newsletter by using one of the "Share this" icons at the top of the newsletter.
The next eblast will be sent on July 7, 2020
Send program listings, photos, and articles to wrjneblast@gmail.com by June 30, 2020
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