My plan was to write this Bulletin introduction as I wait for my daughter to complete the road test for her driver’s licence. Now I am questioning this decision—this waiting is hard.
Cleary this plan was at best aspirational as I am doing a poor job of writing, worrying, and waiting at the same time. What I am actually attending to most are my prayers.
My dominant prayer is pretty much this one-liner: “Lord, please-please-please let her pass.” Though perhaps not exemplary, I still think it is a fine prayer because, at the heart of it, is my love for my daughter. I simply don’t want her to experience the emotions that will accompany a failed road test; I want her protected from that disappointment. And to be honest, her first-time success will make my life easier.
In between that primary prayer, I am praying (begging?) words along these lines:
“Lord, please help her think clearly and make good decisions right now.”
“Lord, please reduce her stress.”
“Lord, if she fails, help me say and do the right things.”
I am even offering this petition: “Lord, if she isn’t ready to drive, make sure she doesn’t pass this test.”
Prayers emerging from both my heart (what I really want) and my head (what I really need) seem pretty consistent for me.
Wherever my prayers originate, I am grateful that God knows them all—whether articulated or not.
“Lord, I am thankful you know what we all need . . . right now . . . in this moment.”
She should be back any minute now.