Bunny Photos
Bunny Photos
image of the front of the Early Childhood Education Laboratory Preschool Building
Baby tiger standing up ready to hug you with a purple heart on his chest

Dear ECELP Families,
If your child took bunny pictures earlier this month and you would like to place an order, please use this link.
If you order a digital image, you will receive that from Layne Photography soon. If you order prints, the order will be delayed until they are able to open.

Please contact Angele at Layne photography if you have further questions regarding orders. All prints, including any pre-orders, will be delivered to the school for pick up when they are available.

Thank you,
Cindy D’Amico 

This email list was generated from FACTS; if you find that someone is missing from this email, or this is not your preferred email, please contact Celeste Smith and give her your preferred email address. 

Baby tiger standing up ready to hug you with a purple heart on his chest
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