Weekly News and Programs 10.23.19
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Fall Greetings from The Reverend Greg McGonigle, University Chaplain and Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life
October 23, 2019
Dear Friends,
Fall greetings from Emory University’s Cannon Chapel and Office of Spiritual and Religious LIfe. The chapel and our office constitute a dynamic hub for religious, spiritual, philosophical, and cultural life and learning for students, faculty, staff, alumni, families, and friends of Emory.
Supported by some 10 staff and 25 campus ministers and advisors, we seek to nurture religious and philosophical life for all members of the Emory community--whether devoutly religious, spiritually seeking, or curious and questioning. All of our communities and programs are open, whether to explore the practice of a tradition or simply to learn. We hope this year you will find valuable ways to connect with the multitude of offerings in Emory spiritual life.
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Highlights from First Quarter 2019-20
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El Paso Vigil
On Thursday, September 12, 2019, the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement hosted a vigil in honor of the lives taken at Walmart in El Paso, Texas this past August. It was also an opportunity to reflect on anti-immigrant senitments in the U.S. and around the world and to recommit to support for immigrants and refugees.
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Inter-Religious Council Retreat
The 2019-2020 Inter-Religious Council (IRC) began the year with a retreat September 13-14, 2019 during which they explored religious and philosophical pluralism and positive interfaith engagement, and created murals depicting the connections between spirituality and social justice.
The IRC is composed of Atlanta-campus undergraduate students from approximately twenty-five religious and philosophical communities. (Oxford College has its own Interfaith Council.) The council meets weekly over dinner to foster inter-religious dialogue and create a climate for affirming individual traditions and understanding the traditions of others. The council also plans campus-wide programs to promote dialogue, service, and peace. To learn more, please visit here.
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Reflections of Race, Injustice, and Reconciliation Through the Lens of Montgomery's Story
On Friday-Saturday, October 11-12, 2019, Assistant Chaplain Kevin Crawford and students traveled to Montgomery, Alabama to spend time at the Equal Justice Initiative Museum as well as the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Students used photography as a medium to explore the city and reflect on what it means to see the history and current realities of race in America that we may not see anymore--what has been visually erased but is still real and needing the work of justice. The trip was sponsored by the the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement.
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Upcoming Spiritual Life Programs
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Good Vibe Tribe Programs
Mindful Coloring and Art as a Vehicle for Emotional Regulation
Wednesday, October 23, 7-8 p.m., Cannon Chapel Basement
Join us for meditation, community bonding, discussion, and activity.
Open Expression Space
Wednesday, October 23, 8-9 p.m., Cannon Chapel Second Floor
Come and do work, take a breather, and spread your positive energy in an open expression space in lieu of traditional open mic.
What is Good Vibe Tribe (GVT)?
GVT is a holistic wellness group, which aims to spread compassion through engaging activities, art, and service to Emory and the surrounding Atlanta community. To learn more, please contact Caroline Wilkinson or Eva Amram.
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Off the Record with Dr. Brenda Baker: Faith and Vocation in Nursing, Incarceration, and Childbirth
Thursday, October 24, 12-1 p.m., School of Nursing, Room 107
Join us for lunch and conversation with Dr. Brenda Baker as we explore the connection between faith and vocation. Dr. Baker has extensive clinical experience in the maternal and newborn populations as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. Her research efforts have focused on maternal role transition, social support in the postpartum period, and perinatal outcomes of incarcerated pregnant women. RSVP to http://bit.ly/OffTheRecordBaker. Lunch provided. Join the Facebook event here.
Sponsored by the Emory School of Nursing Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.
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Hindu Students Association: Blaze Pizza Fundraiser
Thursday, October 24, Blaze Pizza Fundraiser, 2131 N. Decatur Road, GA 30033
Come through to Blaze Pizza tomorrow between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. If you mention Emory HSA at checkout, a portion of the proceeds will go to the Emory HSA.
Learn more about the Emory Hindu Students Association here.
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Emory Buddhist Club: Guided Meditation and Reflection
Thursday, October 24, 6 p.m., Cannon Chapel Sanctuary (top floor)
Emory Buddhist Club welcomes Shifu Jian Gàn from the Dharma Jewel Monastery this Thursday. She will be leading a Zen Buddhist meditation and reflection on the Heart Sutra during our meeting. For the month of October, Jian Gàn Shifu will continue to guide the weekly EBC meditations. Anyone is welcome to join. Snacks and tea social follows in Cannon Chapel 106.
The EBC is a student-led effort. Our primary mission is to provide a free, weekly, on-campus opportunity for anyone with any interest in Buddhism or meditation to meet, practice, and learn with qualified Buddhist teachers from the Atlanta area. Our meetings are always free and open to the public. We welcome anyone, regardless of meditation experience or point of view. To learn more, join the Facebook event here.
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International Student Coffee Hour
Fridays, 11:30 am-12:30 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
Hosted by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life and International Student and Scholar Services, International Student Coffee Hour takes place every Friday during the academic year from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Cannon Chapel's Brooks Commons. Each week a different campus resource office hosts the "coffee hour" by providing a free lunch for international students, and students can meet one another, learn about resources, and build community. For more information, please email religiouslife@emory.edu.
Hosting Lunch Friday, October 25: Candler School of Theology
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Emory Muslim Students Association Halaloween
Friday, October 25, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Eleonore Raoul Hall Lobby
Halloween is getting closer with the end of October. Join Emory MSA for 'Halaloween' for halal food, drinks, and cool people. Join the Facebook event here.
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Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir Weekly Rehearsal
Fridays, 6-8 p.m., White Hall 101
The Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir, Emory's longstanding and dynamic gospel choir, welcomes all who desire to praise God with song and minister with God's word. The VOIS choir sings at Beloved Community Worship the fourth Sunday of each month at 11 a.m. in Cannon Chapel, and participates in an annual service learning trip in the continental U.S. or abroad during Spring Break. The VOIS Choir also sings in churches around Atlanta and performs acts of community service locally.
The choir invites enthusiastic singers who want to explore or join in their ministry of music. Please contact Mr. Maury Allums, OSRL Director of Music, at mallums@emory.edu.
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Voices of Inner Strength Gospel Choir Fall Concert 2018, led by OSRL Director of Music, Mr. Maury Allums
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Friday, October 25-Saturday, October 26, 2019
Following the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, PA that killed 11 Jews and injured 7 others last October 27, people of all faiths visited synagogues in a large-scale expression of solidarity with the American Jewish community. On the one-year anniversary of this tragedy, the AJC is again calling upon all people of conscience to come together to honor the victims and raise our collective voice for a world free of antisemitism, hatred, and bigotry. To find a participating Atlanta synagogue or Jewish organization near you, please visit here.
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Beloved Community: Christian Worship at Emory
Sunday, October 27, 11 a.m., Cannon Chapel
Beloved Community gathers each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in Cannon Chapel during the academic year. Worship is ecumenical and planned especially for the campus setting, providing a variety of worship experiences for the Emory community. Preachers include Emory chaplains, Emory faculty, and distinguished guests from the U.S. and abroad.
Preaching Sunday, October 27, 2019 (Homecoming Sunday): The Reverend Alison Lutz, Visiting Instructor in Social Ethics, Wake Forest University School of Divinity
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2020 Journey to Ireland
Brexit, Borders, and Belonging: Identity and Conflict on the Island of Ireland
The “Irish Border,” a line on a map that divides Northern Ireland (constitutionally a part of the United Kingdom) from the Republic of Ireland (an independent country), has been a source of conflict and contention since its creation in the early 20th century. Guided by the theme “Brexit, Borders, and Belonging: Identity and Conflict on the Island of Ireland,” this journey will span the island of Ireland and explore how the border was created, how it has influenced the identities of people and communities on both sides of it, and how its contradictions as being physically invisible and politically manifest influence both the high politics of Brexit and the everyday lives of people throughout the island of Ireland.
Program dates: May 12-22, 2020
Dr. Don Beaudette, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Oxford College, holds an MA in Irish Politics from Queen’s University Belfast, will co-lead the trip with The Reverend Greg McGonigle, Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life and University Chaplain.
Learn more about this trip and apply here. Deadline to apply is November 2, 2019.
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2020 Journey to South Africa
Born Free: Young South Africans and Justice
South Africa with its rich diversity and complex history, provides a beautiful setting to explore contemporary issues – locally and globally. Guided by the theme, “Born Free: Young South Africans and Justice,” this Journey will focus on the work of South Africans born since the fall of apartheid—the “Born Free” generation. In addition to visiting historic sites, we will meet with South Africans who are working for peace and justice in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
Program dates: May 13-24, 2020
Professor Pamela Scully, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, is an expert on South African history and was active in the anti-apartheid movement, will co-lead the trip with Rev. Lisa Garvin, Associate Dean of the Chapel and Religious Life.
Learn more about this trip and apply here. Deadline to apply is November 2, 2019.
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Ishna Hall Celebration of Life
Friday, November 8, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel
A celebration of life for GBS assistant dean and senior director of development Ishna Hall will be held on Friday, November 8 at 3:30 p.m. in Cannon Chapel with a reception to follow in Brooks Commons. For more information, please contact the Dean of Religious Life, The Reverend Greg McGonigle at Gregory.McGonigle@emory.edu.
Read UNC's article in tribute to Ishna here.
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We Help You Find Your Path: Graduate Religion and Theology Admissions Collaborative Visit
Thursday, October 24, 6-8 p.m., Candler School of Theology Room 360
Candler School of Theology will host other members of the Graduate Religion and Theology Admissions Collaborative (Yale, Harvard, Chicago, Duke, Vanderbilt, Union) for a joint outreach and recruitment event on campus.
This is an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students who are interested in learning more about graduate degrees in religion and theology. Sign up and learn more here.
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Emory Takes Back the Night
Monday, October 28, 7 p.m., Emory Student Center Multipurpose Room N104
Join Emory University's Office of Respect for Take Back the Night, a rally to end sexual and interpersonal violence and to support survivors in the Emory community. We will be marching from the Student Center to the Emory Campus Life Pavilion where anonymous readings will take place. If you would like to submit an anonymous story please use this link: tinyurl. com/ tbtnanonymousstory. Join the Facebook event here.
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Reformation Day at Emory 2019
Tuesday, October 29, Pitts Theology Library, Room 360
The 32nd annual Reformation Day at Emory will be held on Tuesday, October 29. This year’s program explores the theme “The Story of Our Books: Producing, Collecting, and Owning Books of the 16th Century.” Register today by visiting www.engage.emory.edu/ref2019. If you have registration questions, please call 404.727.6352. Sponsored by the Candler School of Theology.
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Through a Glass, Darkly: Allegory and Faith in Netherlandish Prints from Lucas van Leyden to Rembrandt
August 31 - December 1, 2019, Michael C. Carlos Musuem
Through a Glass, Darkly: Allegory and Faith in Netherlandish Prints from Lucas van Leyden to Rembrandt is the first major exhibition to systematically consider the form, function, and meaning of allegorical prints produced in the Low Countries during the 16th and 17th centuries, and serves as the basis for an illustrated catalogue produced by curators Walter S. Melion, Asa Candler Griggs Professor of Art History and director of the Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry at Emory University, and James Clifton, director of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation and curator of Renaissance and Baroque painting at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. To learn more, click here.
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Religious Observance Accomodation Policy
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Emory College of Arts and Sciences: The Office for Undergraduate Education (OUE) website provides resources for CAS faculty and students regarding academic accommodations for religious holiday observance. Students are required to self-certify any planned absences through a form on the OUE website and to discuss them with their faculty members as early as possible in advance. Faculty are asked to work with students to seek to accommodate these absences. The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) seeks to provide guidance about upcoming religious holiday observances that may impact populations within the Emory community.
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See below for weekly religious and philosophical gatherings that take place in Cannon Chapel. All are welcome. With questions, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu. In future weeks, we will be featuring the gatherings of Emory's religious and philosophical student organizations. More information is available here.
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Emory OSRL Enews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life covering Atlanta campus programs. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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