May Student Newsletter
May Student Newsletter

Finish out the year strong with these last opportunities!

Compete in One Final Tournament

During times of crisis, the National Tournament’s mission is even more essential. Speech and debate provides comfort and strength to students. As part of the National Tournament celebration, we will host a Senior Open event. This online competition will allow all member seniors who are not entered in National Tournament main events to participate one last time. Registration closes tomorrow, May 15, so check with your coach and register now! Read more details here

Financial Support for Nationals

In light of the National Tournament moving online, the William Woods Tate, Jr., Fund will provide financial assistance so that students can have a more equitable experience. We have a limited pool of funding, so contact your coaches soon to apply by May 22. 

The fund will provide accepted students competing in main events at the National Tournament with a $50 to $75 check payable by June 1 so that they can purchase technology, pay for internet access, or acquire other resources that will allow them a more equitable experience. 

We Need Students for National Tournament Videos!

Whether you're competing in the tournament or following along from home, you can be part of the excitement! Here's two ways you can participate in the #Nats20 community. 

1. We Want to Dance With You!

Did you hear? This year's lip dub song is Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance with Somebody." Check out last year's video for inspiration and submit dance or lip syncing clips for consideration! Be sure to tune in during National Tournament Award Ceremonies to see the final product! 

2. Seniors, Say Thank You 

This new hub will feature videos, pictures, and messages from the Class of 2020! We would love for you to share some thank yous, favorite memories, and reflections on their time in this activity.

Internship Opportunities 

Are you interested in journalism or graphic design? Be sure to apply for the Rostrum Internship or NSDA Graphic Design Internship by July 24!
We will select up to four Rostrum interns to write coach, student, alumni, and team profiles for publication in Rostrum magazine throughout the 2020-2021 school year. This is an excellent way to gain writing experience, learn about the inner workings of a publication, and build your resume!
One graphic design intern will be chosen to create graphics and/or ad and article layouts for the NSDA’s quarterly publication, Rostrum. If required, the Graphic Design Intern may also be asked to edit and create graphics for the NSDA’s social media platforms or digital newsletters. This is a great opportunity to show off your design skills, creativity, and add new pieces to your portfolio! 

Judge the Middle School Speech Challenge 

If there is a middle school program in your area, they may need judges for our Middle School Speech Challenge, presented by Summit Debate. If you were a junior or senior in the 2019-2020 academic year and have at least 250 Honor Society points, you are eligible to judge. Learn more about the Middle School Speech Challenge here and reach out to a local program if you're interested in getting involved!

Let's Keep in Touch: Sign Up for Our Alumni Newsletter

Upon graduation, you'll join the ranks of nearly two million NSDA alumni. As Oprah Winfrey and Sonia Sotomayor would attest, speech and debate doesn't end with the final bell. The skills you have learned in this activity will stay with you wherever you go next.
We'd love to keep in touch and see where life takes you. We can't wait to welcome you as an alum and help provide the tools you need to succeed in the next phase of life! Sign up for our quarterly alumni newsletter using your permanent email address to receive:
  • Community updates and tournament results
  • A reminder to tune in to the annual National Tournament livestream
  • Leadership and employment opportunities
  • Tips for leveraging your speech and debate experience
  • So much more 
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