Carrying on Larry Bock's Legacy to Inspire the Next Generation
Carrying on Larry Bock's Legacy to Inspire the Next Generation

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Vision for STEM: See Today's Students as Tomorrow's Explorers, Discoverers and Innovators at the USA Science & Engineering Festival!  In April of 2020, we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Over the last decade, it has been our mission to inspire the next generation of innovators to pursue careers in STEM and fill the STEM talent gap.  With a science festival, USASEF Founder, Larry Bock wanted to inspire students the same way he was inspired – through teachers, experiences, and interactions with role models. He envisioned a festival to do for science and engineering what Comic-Con did for superheroes.
Together with the support of our sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, volunteers, and donors, we have created a legacy in STEM education and workforce development with the USA Science & Engineering Festival events and programs. Thank you all for your ongoing support, and please help us continue to bridge the STEM talent gap and create opportunities for all students across the United States. 
“The Festival focuses on meeting a critical need in America: motivating and invigorating the next generation of young innovators about science and engineering and, at the same time, expanding the public’s appreciation and understanding of science and technology.” 
– Larry Bock
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How Can YOU Help? 

“Science is amazing…that’s our message to kids and adults attending the Festival. Staying competitive as a nation means we have to encourage more kids to think about careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).”
– Larry Bock
By joining us as a sponsor or exhibitor of #SciFest, you can help meet the critical need of motivating America's next generation of young innovators! As a Festival partner, you can: 
  • Empower students from all backgrounds to pursue the vast and exciting career opportunities in the STEM fields.
  • Use our programs as a springboard to launch your STEM initiatives.
  • Highlight your organization's mission and core values to make a positive change for the future.
  • Encourage and provide an opportunity outside the classroom for families to participate in the STEM journey.
  • Create unique interactive volunteer opportunities for your employees.
  • And much more! 
Contact Us to Learn More

Thank You Sponsors!

We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our very special Sponsors who have signed up to support events for the USA Science & Engineering Festival. 

By participating as a sponsor for the USA Science & Engineering Festival and our events, your organization will be aligned with the nation's leading science and engineering institutions that recognize the importance of STEM education and its impact on our country.
Current Sponsors






Farrell Family Foundation
ResMed Foundation 


American Association of Chemistry Teachers 
American Chemical Society
American Scientist 
Chemical & Engineering News
Innovation & Tech Today
Sigma Xi




American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Boston Scientific
Carnegie Institution for Science
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
National Science Foundation 
PBS Kids 
Pennsylvania State University
Space Camp
St. Mary's College of Maryland  
Thermo Fisher Scientific
U.S. Department of Energy


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