NU-Telecom can help guide you through the E-Rate Program, which consists of government discounts you can utilize to offset the cost of Internet service or infrastructure. Discounts typically range from 20-90% of the costs of eligible services. Learn More
Save on infrastructure Upgrades with the E-Rate Program
Learn how your local schools, libraries and healthcare facilities can utilize the E-Rate Program for discounts to obtain affordable Internet access and telecommunications services.
How the School of St. Philip Benefited
As a Pre-K through Grade 5 school, St. Philip's didn't have the resources available to improve their technology until they consulted with NU-Telecom about the E-Rate Program for schools.

Join Us for a Webinar

To learn more about the E-Rate Program, and how NU-Telecom can help you to utilize it for your industry, join us for a webinar.
Wednesday, January 24 at 11:00am
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