May 2022 Newsletter
Mrs. Amy Reinmuth 
Director of College Career Counseling & Registrar

253-475-7226 x106

Class of 2022

  • Graduation is just about FIVE weeks away! Two emails have been sent out regarding graduation, the most recent was sent on May 3rd from Mrs. Reinmuth.  Please search your email (and junk mail) for "Graduation Information" to make sure you know all the important details!  

  • Local Tacoma Scholarship Opportunity - Stan Naccarato Sports and Civic Betterment Scholarship. Find out how to apply here.  Deadline is May 9, 2022.  We are ending the scholarship season, but there area still a few left to apply for - make sure to check them out on our website

  • VOLUNTEER HOURS! Don't forget that a requirement for all seniors is to complete and turn in a minimum of 20 service hours. These hours need to have been completed between June 12, 2021 and June 4, 2022 and must be served somewhere in the community (outside of your family).  Please make sure to turn in your hours asap to Mrs. Jones. Forms available in the front office or on our website.

  • Information Sheets! Please turn in your Senior Information Sheets to Mrs. Reinmuth ASAP!  Even if the information might change, please turn in what you have and we can update it later.

Class of 2023

  • Thinking about college? Click here for an article including a junior year checklist to start following for merit scholarship as well as this article for college admissions - Parent Guide for College Admission: Month-by-Month Timeline

  • VOLUNTEER HOURS! Don't forget that a requirement for all juniors is to complete and turn in a minimum of 15 service hours. These hours need to have been completed between June 12, 2021 and June 4, 2022 and must be served somewhere in the community (outside of your family).  Please make sure to turn in your hours asap to Mrs. Jones. Forms available in the front office or on our website.

Class of 2024

  • Community involvement: Now is the time to get involved!  Find a spot to volunteer and start being consistent with your volunteer time.  Don't forget to document your hours in the high school office!  You won't regret spending the time in your community as well as building your resume for college.

  • Looking to next year! Click here for an article including a junior year checklist to start following if you will be looking for merit scholarships for college. You can also check out this helpful article about prepping for college admissions by clicking here

  • College Visits already? It's never too early in my mind to start visiting colleges, especially if they are out of state.  Now is a great time to start looking at some options that you might be interested in and work with your family to plan college visits into family vacations or maybe even a week of just visits!  

  • VOLUNTEER HOURS! Don't forget that a requirement for all sophomores is to complete and turn in a minimum of 10 service hours. These hours need to have been completed between June 12, 2021 and June 4, 2022 and must be served somewhere in the community (outside of your family).  Please make sure to turn in your hours asap to Mrs. Jones. Forms available in the front office or on our website.

Class of 2025

  • VOLUNTEER HOURS! Don't forget that a requirement for all freshmen is to complete and turn in a minimum of 5 service hours. These hours need to have been completed between June 12, 2021 and June 4, 2022 and must be served somewhere in the community (outside of your family).  Please make sure to turn in your hours asap to Mrs. Jones. Forms available in the front office or on our website.
GEAR UP FOR COLLEGE! PLU is offering 6 webinars through the months of May and June on various topics geared toward high school juniors, and even sophomores and freshmen ready to start the process.  These are all via zoom so students and/or their families can log in from home and just listen!  We promise not to talk about PLU, but to just talk about the college search in general. Click here to learn more and register today!

TOUR LOCAL COLLEGES: Tacoma Public Schools is sponsoring in-person tours of eight outstanding local colleges from now through May 24. TPS will provide transportation to and from each institution, or people may use their own transportation and meet the tour group at the college. Each visit includes a customized tour and presentation from college staff on the admissions process, financial aid and scholarships and college life unique to each school. Register for tours here.

Make the most of your summer!  Read this great blog post about how to use your summer to set yourself apart from your peers.  
  • We need you in the trades!  Read this great article about how your career in a trade is not only helpful to your future but to the city, state, and county you are part of as well.
  • Sheet Metal Pre-Apprenticeship Program -   Are you interested in pursuing sheet metal work after high school?  A six week pre-apprenticeship course is available this summer! (4 days a week from 6:00am-2:30pm) The course is focused on the Building trades (fitting layout) with a exposure to the sheet metal trade, including industry math, fabrication, and welding. The program is open to juniors and seniors.  Students must be nominated by their high school counselor by June 17, 2022. For more information, click here to view the flyer or see Mrs Reinmuth.
  • FREE MONEY!  Don't miss out - scholarship season is quickly coming to an end and you'll miss out if you don't apply!  Severa upcoming scholarships are currently located on our website.  Make sure to check back often.

Personal Branding and Resume Building Webinar

What type of skills, traits, and experiences do college admissions offices and organizations look for in future students or employees? In this webinar sponsored by the National Student Leadership Conference, learn how you can build your digital presence with LinkedIn, what items you should highlight on a resume, and how digital badges can help you stand out. Click here to register.

Volunteer Opportunity!

The Job Carr Cabin Museum here in Tacoma has multiple ways that high school students can volunteer at the museum-either with the general public or behind the scenes, and not only is it a great opportunity for them to serve your community, but to also learn about the history Tacoma and the region in the process!

If you are interested, please contact Kristin Luippold at 253-627-5405 or 

NCAA College-Bound Athletes

The 2021-2022 NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Athlete was recently released.  If you have a student interested in playing a sport in college, please make sure to take a look at all of this important information.  See Mrs. Reinmuth with questions.
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