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So much fun!!!!!
So much fun!!!!!
View online. November 14, 2016
Finger Prints of Faith
November Fun
Sharing love at the waterfall!
Schools Out
Toward the end of October the kids were out of school. This was the perfect opportunity to hang out with the kids. The volunteers got together and planed out three days of activities for the kids. Wednesday Patti Sue and Henri took turns taking the kids to the swimming pool. The kids love to swim and it’s always a good choice for the kids. Everyone had a blast. Thursday was games and movies at CdF. We all spent time playing different games with the kids. In the afternoon we took the older boys to the Nate Saint School to participate in the schools fundraising carnival. The kids had a lot of fun joining in on the food eating contest and the many other games they had. My favorite part was watching the boys stuff marshmallows in their mouths during chubby bunny. Friday we got the great honor of taking all the older kids to the Machay waterfalls. We had such an amazing time hiking to the falls and then jumping into the freezing water. These are the moments we cherish, moments that are only possible with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Chris Zuniga
Casa de Fe Staff
CLICK HERE to help us continue to love on these precious children.
Comming to Mississippi
I will be in the Brookhaven MS area from the 1st through the 12th of December. I still have quite a few opening in my calander. If you would like to have a small get-together or just have coffee please let me know. I also still have Wednesday the 7th and Sunday the 11th completly open. I would love to see you all. Email me at or call me at 601-990-6805. 
Patti Sue

Praise and Prayer
As you can see this has been a blessed time of being wth with the children. Praise the Lord we had sufficient staff and volunteers to be able to individualize the time with the children. We are always looking for volunteers willing to come for a month, 6 months or a year. If you think this might be you CLICK HERE for more information. 
Please pray for Linet, she is not doing well and loosing weight. Please pray for wisdom on how to adjust her diet and for strength for her tiny body.
Please pray for Julissa. She is struggling with being 17 and the influences of the other youth at her school. Her desire is to experience worldly things. Pray for the CdF staff for wisdom in counseling with her as well as God speaking to her. 
Please pray for more groups to come to Casa de Fe. I know you will be blessed by the experience and in turn bless the children and staff of CdF. For more information on bringing a team please email 
Please continue to pray for funding for Casa de Fe. To donate directly to CdF need CLICK HERE for more information. If you are interested in doing a fundraiser for CdF CLICK HERE for more information. This is a great time of year to do fundraisers little or big God will honor your efforts.
Del Director
Primeramente le doy gracias a nuestro Padre creador de los cielos, por darnos su gran ayuda hasta hoy con muchas bendiciones,  sabemos que El nos a sustentado siempre y nos seguirá ayudando a todos los niños de casa de fe.
Aquí en este pequeño pedazo de país ciudad y parroquia que es la Shell seguimos trabajando con una gran meta que es de dar un ambiente familiar  para todos los niños que se encuentra, ya que todos los que conformamos casa de fe lo estamos haciendo.
Aquí en casa de fe pasamos con todos los niños, niñas, adolescentes y los niños con capacidades especiales, pasamos jugando con las bicicletas en el parque que se encuentra dentro de casa de fe, también jugamos futbol con todos los niños y adolescentes, hacemos actividades como ir a pescar con los niños en el pequeño rio que pasa por casa , luego los freímos y lo comemos, también cuando me toca ir a dejar y traer a los niños de la escuela especial, es una experiencia muy linda ya que cada niño niña  expresa su cariño que no se puede explicar en palabras y uno como persona se siente como si fuese su papa, no todos los fines de semana nos vamos a las piscinas pero si hace un buen día. Y lo más importante todos los Domingos tenemos un tiempo con nuestro Padre de los cielos,  la cual es un tiempo de Adoración alabanza y la Palabra de Dios con todos los niños de casa de fe. Y todos los que conformamos casa de fe, nos sentimos muy feliz y alegres ya que cada niño niña adolescente y niños de capacidades especiales, son diferente del otro, por eso nos gusta estar en casa ya que ellos son el reflejo de cada uno de nosotros que conformamos casa de fe .
Instruye al niño en su camino en su camino y aun cuando fuere viejo no se aparte de El.        Proverbios 22:6  
From the Director's Desk
First off I would like to give thanks to our heavenly Father, for his help and many blessings to this day, we know that it is Him who has sustained and helped all of the children here at Casa de Fe.
In this small corner of Ecuador, in Shell, everyone that is a part of Casa de Fe continue striving to provide a family environment for all of the children here at Casa de Fe.
Lately we have been able to spend time with the children, adolescents and special need children; riding the bicycles in the park behind Casa de Fe, playing soccer, and many other activities; such as fishing small fish in the river that goes through our property, and then we fry them and eat them together. Also, when I go to pick up the kids from the special needs school, it is always a wonderful experience for me; the children express their love, even without being able to use words, and we feel that love for them as if we were their parents. When it is a nice weekend we also try to take everyone to the pool for a nice time of swimming. Most important of all, Sundays we spend time with our heavenly father, time praising him and reading his word. All of us that form a part of Casa de Fe feel happy to be a part of their lives: each one is different in their own way, but we know that they are also a reflection of us.
Henry Villena
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart form it.      Prov 22:6

A quick note from the chaplains' desk:
Hey everyone! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by here. Although here in Ecuador we don't see the seasons change too much, it is amazing to watch the change in each and every one of these children as the seasons pass.  Each and every one of them are growing, getting older, facing growth and challenges in their own lives. 
With the 9+ year olds on Sundays, we have been focusing on a number of different and interesting subjects and areas in our christian walk, and it has been a learning experience for each of them. Please keep us in prayer that there can always be unity, that these young ones fast growing into adulthood can learn more about the christian walk, what it means to be a believer and follower of Christ. The enemy comes in like a flood at times, but God is the one that raises up a banner over these children!!
In Christian Ed, things are going really well, the kids are definitely retaining not only the bible stories but also the lessons. Praise god for the chance to teach them from a young age!!!
Be Blessed!
Mark Blosser