Parishoner Reflection, Saint Mary the Virgin
Parishoner Reflection, Saint Mary the Virgin

While Christ Church is without a priest, individuals in our church family will be asked to contribute brief reflections to our monthly newsletter.

Search Committees of the Past
a Reflection by Sue Rosser
August 2021

My how the search for a rector has changed, thanks be to God. 

I have had the honor and pleasure of serving on several Search Committees over the years.  The first one found the committee laboring over many. many applications from the diocese, narrowing them down to under ten(10).  Then, teams of four set out to interview the candidates in person.  

Click here to read the rest of the Reflection

Saint Mary the Virgin, August 15

The honor paid to Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, goes back to the earliest days of the Church. Her story is told in the Gospels, most often in connection to Jesus, her Son - in his birth and early life as his mother. During Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, Mary is often listed with the other women who followed Jesus and ministered to his needs, and among those who kept watch at the cross. After the resurrection, she was to be found with the Twelve in the upper room, watching and praying until the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost.

Mary was the person closest to Jesus in his most impressionable years, and the words of the Magnificat, as well as her humble acceptance of the divine will, bear more than an accidental resemblance to the Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount.

Mary is held in high honor for being in so intimate a relationship with the incarnate Son of God on earth. A paraphrase of an ancient Greek hymn expresses this belief in very familiar words: “O higher than the cherubim, more glorious than the seraphim, lead their praises, alleluia!” (paraphrase from Holy Women, Holy Men, 2010)

- Rev. Rachel Gardner

What's Happening at
Christ Episcopal Church?

Loaves and Fishes continues to serve to-go meals to the community.  Plans for an August 25 drive through meal  are in place with a skeleton crew under the dedicated leadership of David Cole.  We give thanks for Holy Trinity Lutheran which has been a partner with CEC during the pandemic offering household items and snacks that have been included in the to-go dinner bags.  Your financial help is much appreciated. Links for all events are on the website homepage.  We are pleased to be back to worship in person!  Join us at 10:00 on Sunday mornings.  Bible study is taking a break until fall.   Thanks to all!
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