| Partnering to support your student's success
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Denison's Family Guide is both a source of campus news (there are really cool things happening here) and a resource to help your student flourish. Ultimately, we want to help your student take control and build their own unique experience — and we know your partnership is essential to making that happen.
Dear Denison Families,
As we near the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to express gratitude to our parents and families. It's been a wonderful semester, and we are grateful to our Denison families for all you have done to support your student. Each of your students makes our campus and our community stronger, more vibrant, and a better place, and we are so grateful that they, and you, chose us!
And your students are grateful to you as well. Here are just a few of their thanks for all you do:
Dear Mom and Dad, thank you so much for helping me achieve a college education and providing me with support, reinforcement, and love throughout my time at Denison! I have loved every second! -Colleen Boyle '24
I show gratitude to my parents for making sacrifices, whether it be sending me to a certain school or allowing me to play for a certain sports team. They were always allowing me to follow my dreams and I greatly appreciate my parents for allowing me to choose what was best for me. -Danny McKay '26
From seasonal airport dropoffs to weekly check-in phone calls, my parents have been champions of my Denison education from our home in New York. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine my college experience being possible without their support. -Alex Pan '24
I am so grateful to my parents for giving me the gift of being educated at Denison. Nothing is more valuable than the intellectual, social, and personal growth I have experienced on this campus. And I thank my parents daily for guiding me while I pursue my degree at this incredible institution. -Delaney Servick '26
My dad and grandma were my inspiration to go to college because they always pushed me to be the best I can be. For that, I’m grateful for them. -Caden Hazelton '27
'If you want me to get that gift, you have to get me something in return. Learn hard and gift me very good grades!' That was my dad's go-to response whenever I wanted the newest toy or game, and I remember always being annoyed. Looking back, I am extremely grateful for the discipline that my parents instilled in me to work hard to achieve all that I want out of this life." -Chief Ofosu-Siaw '24
- Course Registration for Spring 2024
- Important Dates
- Airport Shuttles
- Thanksgiving Break: Conversations with your student
- Campus News: Softball Field, National Fellowships, and Ask a Denisonian
- Upcoming Opportunities & Family Events
Course Registration for Spring 2024
Students are currently selecting and registering for Spring 2024 courses. Encourage your student to connect with their faculty advisor. These advising conversations are crucial for helping your student to take full advantage of their Denison education and journey.
During these conversations, your student's advisor will:
- Make sure they are on track for graduation
- Check how classes are going this semester
Connect your student with helpful campus resources
- Discuss possible summer opportunities and career plans
- Help your student think critically and reflectively about their education and experience
Course Registration Schedule
- Seniors: already registered
- Juniors: this week
- Sophomores: Week of Nov. 6
- First-Years: Week of Nov. 13
- Nov. 18: Residence halls close at 9 a.m. for Thanksgiving Break
- Nov. 26: Residence halls reopen at 9 a.m. after Thanksgiving Break
- Dec. 12: Classes End
- Dec. 14-18: Final Exams
- Dec. 19: Residence halls close at 9 a.m. for Winter Break
- Jan. 14: Residence halls reopen for Spring Semester 2024
- Jan. 15: Spring Semester resumes (classes in session)
- Jan. 22: Martin Luther King Jr. Day observed
Airport Shuttles: Thanksgiving Break
Denison offers shuttles for students to and from the airport for Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks for $10 one way. Your student can login to WhattoDU to book their shuttle.
Shuttle times to the Columbus Airport (CMH) are as follows: (times reflect departure time from campus)
- Thursday, Nov. 16: 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m.
- Friday, Nov. 17: 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m.
- Saturday, Nov. 18: 6 a.m., 9 a.m.
After break, shuttle returns from the Columbus Airport to campus are as follows: (times reflect departure time from CMH)
Sunday, Nov. 26: 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m., 11 p.m.
Looking Ahead: Winter Break Airport Shuttles
Shuttles to the Columbus Airport will run daily beginning on Friday, Dec. 15 through Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 6 a.m., 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m.
On Wednesday, Dec. 20, there will be a 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. shuttle.
After break, on Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024, we will offer these airport shuttles to campus: 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m., 11 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break: Conversations with your Student (FY)
For some first-year students, Thanksgiving Break might be the first time they are home or back with family since Move-In Day. It can be a good time to check in with your student about the semester. If you are searching for some conversation starters, here are some possibilities:
- Their Transition: How are you feeling about college so far? Have you experienced any homesickness? Have you made new friends who feel like true friends?
- Academics: What class has been your favorite? Why? What's been the most challenging aspect of your academics? What do your final exams look like (a mix of papers and in-class exams, mostly exams, mostly papers)? Are there resources you should leverage as you head into these remaining weeks of the semester (tutoring, office hours, writing center, etc.)?
Relationships with Faculty: How are you building relationships with faculty? Are you visiting office hours? Are you connecting with your academic advisor?
- Wellness: How are you managing the challenges of the semester? Are you sleeping, exercising, eating right, and focused on developing emotional agility and resilience? Have you taken advantage of any wellness opportunities on campus?
- Connection & Community: Where have you found your community? What's been the social or community event you've most enjoyed so far this semester? (If your student is feeling disconnected or like they are not making friends, encourage them to join a student organization, engage in first-year activities, or attend a Connect Trip with the First-Year Office.)
Winter Break: How are you planning to spend your Winter Break (Dec. 19-Jan. 14)? Are you hoping to line up a job at home? Do you plan on traveling? Are there January opportunities back on campus you want to take advantage of?
From Our Faculty
We asked some of our faculty what questions they would recommend you pose to your student. Here are some fantastic suggestions:
- Is there a specific challenge this semester you've faced or overcome that you're particularly proud of? -Gregg Parini, Professor & Head Swimming Coach
- What is getting in the way of and what is helping your learning? - Margot Singer, Professor of English; Director of Creative Writing; Director of Strategy for the Arts
Have you signed up for a Career Community on KnowltonConnect, completed the Journey Program, met with a Knowlton coach, and reviewed your LinkedIn profile/resume and cover letter? - Margot Singer, Professor of English; Director of Creative Writing; Director of Strategy for the Arts
Have you considered applying for the Summer Scholars Program, and is there a faculty mentor with whom you might enjoy working? - Adam Davis, Professor of History & Director of the Lisska Center for Intellectual Engagement
- Are you taking advantage of opportunities on campus like the Vail Series and other concerts, lectures, film screenings, and theatre performances? -Gary Baker, Professor of German
Scholarships & Fellowships
Softball has a new turf field |
Crews have been hard at work upgrading the softball field to turf. With the completion of this project, Denison’s softball facilities are now among the best in NCAA Division III athletics, giving our student-athletes a competitive advantage and a safer playing surface.
It’s never too early to get excited for opening day next March!
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We recently launched a new and simple tool to help students leverage the power of the Denison network like never before. In Ask a Denisonian, students get to ask their own questions, whether about career, grad school, choosing a path, or something else and then AI-powered technology matches them with Denison alums well-suited to answer their question.
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Upcoming Opportunities for Families
6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 14
Columbus, OH | Register now»
Tuesday, Jan. 23: Miami, FL
Monday, Feb. 5: Ft. Myers, FL
Tuesday, Feb. 6: St. Petersburg, FL
Tuesday, Mar. 5: Boston, MA
Tuesday, Mar. 19: Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, Apr. 30: Chicago, IL
We’re bringing our “fair college on The Hill” to you! Connect with area Denisonians, members of the Board of Trustees, and President Adam Weinberg at these receptions, where you will learn more about what’s in store for Denison.
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6 p.m., Nov. 8 | Register now»
Denison has been recognized as a leader in promoting the value of open expression and working together across differences.
Join us at the Washington offices of Optoro for a night of intellectual engagement and inquiry. Employing a debate format, we will discuss the topic voted on by the community: artificial intelligence.
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Bowling & Basketball in Chicago |
6 p.m., Nov. 11 | Register now»
Join us for a fun afternoon in Chicago. Meet and socialize with other Denison alums and families while bowling and then cheer on women's basketball as they compete against Wisconsin-Superior Yellow Jackets in Chicago.
6 p.m., Jan. 31
For one night in each year, alums, families, and friends of Denison gather to celebrate their connection to the college and each other in cities around the world.
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Save the Date: Family Weekend 2024
For the past decade, Big Red Weekend has combined Family Weekend and Homecoming (traditionally an alumni-focused weekend). We're excited to announce that in 2024, we will celebrate a standalone Family Weekend: Sept. 27-29. The weekend will include dedicated programming, events, and opportunities for students and their families. Please mark your calendars!
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