Dropoff and Dismissal Reminders:
**Please be mindful of your surroundings when driving, parking or pulling out in the school zone. Please SLOW DOWN.
All: Unless you are utilizing the handicapped parking spaces at the rear of the building, no one should drive up the ramp/drive for drop off or aftercare pick up.
**Any dismissal changes (car, walker, bus) need to be communicated to the classroom teacher on Dojo, Remind or a note in the folder. Students will not be allowed to go home with another child without written parent permission.
*We will no longer dismiss students after 2:30. The last few minutes of the school day are very important and lots of movement is happening.
Car Riders: There should be NO cell phone while your vehicle is in the car rider line, please keep eyes on the road and vigilant for children who may move unpredictably (THIS IS A STATE LAW). All students must be dismissed into a vehicle with a car tag. If you park your vehicle, you must pick up your student from walkers.
- Parents should not get out of the car in the car line.
Walkers at the Lower: For the safety of our students, please DO NOT walk thru the car rider line. Use the sidewalks and crosswalks to safely get to your car.
- Please do not complete the QR code until you are on school property
- All parents must come to the edge of the front steps to retrieve their student.
- No dogs are allowed on campus