Through all stages of diagnosis, treatment, and after care, families dealing with ependymoma seek out education specific to the disease. With this in mind, the CERN Foundation, a program of the National Brain Tumor Society, is sponsoring a new educational video series, Ependymoma Essentials, to communicate reliable and trustworthy information in collaboration with leaders in the ependymoma community. The first episode,
Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Ependymoma, was a natural place to start the series to help families caring for a child recently diagnosed with ependymoma. It features Dr. Amar Gajjar, Director of Neuro-Oncology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Dr. Gajjar, a leader among international pediatric neuro-oncologists, cared for Toland’s son starting in 2009 and has served as a medical advisor to the CERN Foundation since 2006 when it was first started. The information communicated in the video is not intended to be medical advice or replace guidance from your medical team. The information can be used to help understand a situation or to spark questions to ask current providers.