TIPQC Opportunities:
Infant & Maternal
TIPQC is beginning a new SIMS Arm including every birthing hospital in Tennessee. In order to ensure prevention of negative outcomes and maximize optimal outcomes, it is critically important that members of the health care team are educated and are readily able to recognize, diagnose, treat, and manage medical emergencies in pregnancy and delivery. Practice contributes to a standardized approach, teaches the team how to anticipate each other’s actions and optimize communication while honing team skills for these critical times thus decreasing infant and maternal morbidity and mortality and improving outcomes. This course will be of NO CHARGE to facilities who participate.
- Train the trainer opportunities for facility educators - perfect your staff’s ability to provide simulation trainings. The face to face training will be held in June.
- CME videos that will serve as an adjunct to the SIMS training.
- Receive a MamaNatalie/Neo Natalie at no charge for your facility to utilize for SIMS training.
- Training in placement of the laryngeal mask airway in neonates - a vital tool used in resuscitation and stabilization for transfer.
- 2 maternal multidisciplinary simulation scenarios surrounding the delivery care of a mother with hypertension & hemorrhage.
- 2 infant multidisciplinary simulation scenarios surrounding the care of the infant whose mother has hypertension or hemorrhage.
- Meet Joint Commission education and training guidelines.
- A statewide learning community to discuss challenges and successes.
These efforts will reinforce the education already being done – for example, maternal/OB drills, Neonatal Resuscitation Program and The S.T.A.B.L.E. Program. The SIMS will also be multidisciplinary – including your physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, emergency room staff, pharmacy, blood bank, and local EMS services. Our plan moving forward will be to develop more scenarios around maternal and neonatal care.
TIPQC Opportunities for Maternal Teams….
- AWHONN POST-BIRTH WARNING SIGNS: TIPQC is excited to offer the opportunity for all TN hospitals, and other TN maternal outpatient clinics, doulas, and midwives to receive this nursing training for patients on warning signs and when to seek immediate medical attention. This training for 10 nurses by Dec 2021 is possible through a grant from ACOG AIM and TDH MMR to implement the tool kit and POST-BIRTH patient education in discharge planning. POST-BIRTH women are at risk for potential life-threatening medical complications that can occur after hospital discharge. Materials are in four languages including English, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese. To sign up your hospital, or if you already have the training but would like TIPQC to purchase magnets (approximately $.50 each for one year for all births) please let us know! Or listen to our podcast, episode 12.
- Mama U Simulator: our next round of simulations we will purchase the Mama U for any hospital in TN. We need to know by April 16—if your hospital would like us to do this training next year at the Annual TIPQC Meeting, March 6-8, 2022. This is for hospitals placing IPPLARC or would like to start a program.
- Postpartum Support International (PSI) Discharge Information: TIPQC will print the PSI brochures in Spanish and English for discharge resources, as well as magnets with the TN PSI phone number. These can also be co-branded with your hospital. Please let TIPQC know how many you would like.