"A Great Investment"

RTSWS Founder & CEO Featured in
Financial Investment News' Emerging Manager Monthly
Janella is a high school student creating a college budget, comparing her choice schools and submitting a FAFSA.

Fast forward to her 20s and she’s making $67,000 per year and figuring out how to budget expenses while dabbling in the stock market by keeping track of a few products she sees or uses regularly. Now navigating her 30s, Janella is established in her career and really looking to invest in the markets to the tune of up to $100,000.

Janella is like any woman – except for the fact that she’s fictional and advised financially by high school girls.
This is the fall curriculum for nonprofit organization Rock The Street, Wall Street’s program, which partners financial sponsors with high schools around the country as well as the U.K. and Canada, to deliver financial and investment education to high school girls to inspire them toward careers in STEM and finance.  
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Summer of Finance Feature

Investment Bootcamp

With the start of summer, many of our RTSWS students and alumnae are embarking on internships and early career summer programs. These opportunities offer a chance to explore different sectors within finance, build valuable career skills and expand their professional networks. Each newsletter, we will be highlighting the different summer opportunities RTSWS students and alumnae are participating in.

This newsletter features the Highline Capital Bootcamp that took place in May and June. Six RTSWS alumnae took part in an 8-day investment bootcamp with the NYC-based firm. During the bootcamp, students learned hard and soft finance and investment skills while working on a larger investment project.

"This experience was a clear introduction to finance. We modeled an imaginary shoe company, compared the peers of Netflix, and eventually completed our own stock pitch! This experience is truly meaningful and I love learning by doing. If you're not sure about finance, this is perfect because finance is so wide and I think at the end everyone found passion in something. " 
- Xiyan Z. (2021 RTSWS Alumna, Nashville, TN)
Read more Summer of Finance stories in our upcoming newsletters.
Are you offering summer internships, events or early career programs? Share your opportunities with our students and alumnae.
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