
In ancient Greece, skhole—the earliest root for our word "school"—meant "leisure, place of discussion." Truly, school and the chance to learn from one's friends and have interesting discussions represented a break from the work of daily life. 

We're trying to reclaim that original meaning of "school" this year at Prep, and Saturday, September 26th is your chance to spend some leisure time at school. Please plan to attend our Parent Open House, which will begin at 8:45 am on the Upper School Quad. You'll visit short sessions of your child's classes, enjoy lunch provided by our Parents' Association, and hopefully stick around for some soccer!

No need to RSVP—just get this on your calendar. See you soon. 

Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Boostergate— it's a tailgate, it's a BBQ, and it's a really fun time to enjoy burgers & brats and watch our Boys & Girls Soccer Teams take on Portales. It's happening Saturday, September 19th, starting at 12:30 pm, with games following. 

Booster Members buying their membership that day receive a free lunch; otherwise it's $5.00 per person. We hope to see you there!
Prep In Mongolia 2016
In July 2016, Prep teachers Coco Rae and Aiyana Pendleton will lead a trip to Mongolia, land of the eternal blue sky and Genghis Khan. Students will have the opportunity to stay with nomad families and experience traditional Mongolian culture, see the Gobi Desert and the Flaming Cliffs, visit the ancient site of Karakorum and many Buddhist temples, and witness the spectacular Nadaam National Festival.
Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to participate. Interested students and their parents are invited to attend an information meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 7:00-8:00 pm in the Founders’ Room. If you are unable to attend or have questions, please contact Coco Rae
Grandparents' Day is Tuesday, November 24th!

Every year we welcome our grandparents to a special day on campus. Prep grandparents join us and visit classes with their grandchild, attend a school performance, and have a wonderful lunch in the dining hall. 

If you have not done so, please drop off your Grandparents' Mailing Information in the Advancement Office so grandparents will receive their personal invitation. And be sure to ask them to mark their calendars now and make any travel reservations needed.

Meet María Erives!

María is a Breakthrough College-Bound Student, summer teacher, writer, and junior at Monte del Sol Charter School. While attending Ramirez Thomas Elementary School, María remembers how she got involved with the program. “I, like many others, attended a small meeting with Breakthrough and learned about this amazing program. In 2011 I joined Breakthrough as a seventh grader and experienced two amazing summers in the program. At home, we have a pretty big family: In total I have three brothers and two sisters. Overall, I would become the first to attend college, which is something not only I want but my whole family [wants] as well.”

Not only has María been able to individually find her path to achieving her personal goal of “preparing myself for a better life, a better future for myself, something my parents couldn’t have,” but having returned as a teacher for her first full Breakthrough summer since middle school, she sees that her motivations for being part of this far-reaching Santa Fe program are greater than ever before: “This summer, as a teacher, I got to look at the program in a new light, which made me appreciate more my time here as a member of the Breakthrough community.”

When asked what she, in turn, has learned from her time in the program, María concludes: “Breakthrough has taught me that I have a voice and that if I choose to, I can speak up and make a difference in my community. I have changed a lot since I joined the program in 2011, and it has been a good change. I owe Breakthrough so much. As long as I get to do what I love and help my community and others around me, I will be satisfied.”


SFP Intramural Soccer Academy

SF Prep would like to announce the establishment of the SFP Intramural Soccer Academy. The IMSA will be open to any 7th-10th grade boy or girl who wants to learn the game, improve their individual ball skills, and/or just have fun playing the "beautiful game" without the pressures of travel and daily practices. The program will run for six weeks, beginning Monday, September 14th (informational meeting and sign up only)
and will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:45-4:45. Each session will have two parts: the first 15-20 minutes will focus on individual skill development (aiming to get at least 1,000 touches per session); the second part of the session will be 9v9 games. The smaller-sided games will allow for more time on the ball for every athlete. More time=more fun.
For students looking for a more recreational approach to soccer, this is a great solution to a varsity or JV team; for students wanting to move onto the varsity or JV level, this is a great way to improve skill and for 7th graders interested in getting connected to the Prep soccer program, this is for them. Additionally, participation in the IMSA will count towards a PE credit for 9th and 10th graders. Win-win.
No special equipment other than shin guards is required. Players may wear cleats or running shoes. Shorts and t-shirts would be best. Various coaches from the SFP soccer staff will be rotating through the sessions so that the participants get the opportunity to learn from a number of different coaches.

Please contact any one of the coaches listed for more information:

Dave Caldwell at
Todd Kurth at
Stephanie Coppola at
Hersch Wilson at

All of us in the soccer program and PE department are very excited about the IMSA. 

Las Campanas Compadres

Assistant Athletic Director/MS Athletic Director Dave Caldwell served as one of the organizers of the Las Campanas Compadres Annual Triathalon benefiting special needs youth. There were many past and present Santa Fe Prep members involved in this event-- PE Chair Rennae Ross worked as a pool starter, Head of School Jim Leonard, Director of College Counseling Story Leonard, Coach Todd Kurth, Coach Tove Shere and many Prep families all participated in the race.  Tove also was the guest speaker at the Pasta Fundraising Dinner the night before the event, where she gave a very moving motivational speech. It was a gorgeous day for this extremely worthwhile event enjoyed by all.

An additional SHOUT OUT to Kate Schiliro '18, Arielle Nathan '19, Sydney Pope '18 and Drake Merians '16 who do volunteer work with the program year-round helping kids with disabilities learn to swim.

Dear Santa Fe Prep,
Thank you again for your generous support of the Earth Preservation Fund’s work to provide aid after Nepal’s 2015 earthquake and aftershocks, I also wanted to email you personally with updates of our on-the-ground work. 

In coordination with Journeys Nepal, we have been very busy building shelters and schools, cleaning up rubble, and organizing pop-up health clinics throughout Nepal. Some highlights:

  • Distributed food, oil, and metal sheeting for roofs in Saramthali;
  • Rebuilt 32 homes in Thulachhap, as well as a shelter for the school, where 220 students are studying;
  • Rebuilt Wana's (Arun Valley) higher secondary school and hosted a health clinic, where 1,180 people were given care;
  • Cleaned out rubble and debris from the earthquake, built 20 homes for villagers, installed three toilets, and revived electricity and water supplies.
In a moving email, our Nepal Director Narayan Shrestha described how our help is making a difference: 

"The village is thickly populated by lower caste people (Kami, Damai Sarki) who are very poor economically but so rich for their culture. We were so touched by the smiles and friendliness of the people. I have seen many people's eyes full of tears, seeing how happy they were when we distributed zinc sheet and building materials."

Yours in adventure,
Robin Weber Pollak, President

Mon, September 7th:
Labor Day,

Wed, September 9th -
Fri, September 11th:
Senior College Workshops & US Camping Trips

Mon, September 14th:
Rosh Hashanah, 

Sat, September 19th:
Boostergate, 12:30 pm

Sun, September 20th:
8th Grade Dodgeball,
Prep Gym, 2:00 pm

Mon, September 21st:
7th Grade Fieldtrip

Tues, September 22nd:
12th Grade Parent Social, Railyard Park, 12:30 pm

Sat, September 26th:
Parent Open House


Now that school has begun, organization is a must. Setting both immediate and long term goals is an effective mental organization process that can increase both academic confidence and general school success. 

The SMART Goal System can help keep goals on track. SMART is an acronym developed over years of research to enhance goal outcomes for both individuals and teams alike.  

When setting SMART Goals, answer the who, what, where, when, and how questions. Five components of goal setting can help you do this. Be Specific about what you want to accomplish. Note how the goal will be Measured. Record what Actions are needed to Attain the goal.  Ask, can these actions Realistically get done, and are they Relevant to my current needs? Set Timely deadlines for goal evaluation and completion.

You can use these techniques for long- term goals like getting into college or short term goals like getting an A on group a project. Dream bigmap out the way with SMART goals!  

See the following links on SMART Goals which include templates outlining the five components  and more:

- Mikahla Beutler,
  School Counselor

"It was truly wonderful to spend 3 days of bus rides, meals, bunk beds, team-building initiatives, and silliness with our 7th graders in Buena Vista this past week. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to get to know our students in so many ways and contexts, and I returned from the trip having learned the names of every student as well as their passions and fears, and responses to success and failure.  What's more, the students learned much of the same about mewhat makes me proud, what makes me embarrassed or upset, and largely what I value and love about our school. As we return to our classrooms, campus, and dining hall, I hope we can build on the bonds and shared experiences we have forged from the past week."  

- Chris Chakeres, 
Head of Middle School
Athletic Director Todd Kurth and Director of Studies Kendel Fesenmyer entered their 1979 Jeep CJ-7 Limited Edition Golden Eagle in the Annual 4th of July Car Show on the Plaza and won! They placed first for Class F, 1970-1979, and even though Coach K  isn’t in the picture, he was there...he woke up at 4:00 in the morning to drive the Jeep to the Plaza to enter it in the show. What a good husband! 
Moms need new clothes too! Shop Cupcake Clothing on Thursday, October 8th, and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Santa Fe Prep. Don't miss the opportunity to pick up some great fall clothing and accessories while supporting your school.
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