News, events, and resources to help you keep teaching
News, events, and resources to help you keep teaching
[This newsletter will arrive in your inbox every Friday morning with a weekly round-up of resources to support your remote teaching work.]
We’ve made it to the end of Week 3! Take a moment to reflect on the magnitude of what you and your students have been able to do.  The onramp to remote teaching was bumpy and stressful. Yet, we are persevering collectively. 

Many of you, like us, are experiencing zoom fatigue.  You also might be experiencing a disparity among students in their ability to access high-bandwidth, synchronous learning activities.  If you are looking for options to balance with low-bandwidth options, the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) online teaching toolkit offers some useful guidance on planning and facilitating quality discussionsrecording effective microlectures, and engaging students in readings and microlectures.

Some of you are starting to look ahead and ask us, ‘What’s next?’.  Remote Evergreen coordination team and workgroups are working diligently to make informed decisions about the modality for teaching in summer and fall. In anticipation that summer (and possibly fall) will involve remote teaching, the Learning and Teaching Commons is partnering with the Deanery to offer several summer institutes to support building online courses and programs. We look forward to announcing those dates soon.

And, finally, this new mode of working, teaching, and learning remotely is taking a toll on all of us.  Not only are we intensely engaged in learning new technology and new modes for working, we are also caring for our own families while navigating a world-wide crisis.  If you haven’t yet established a practice for tending to your own wellbeing or are looking for some variety, BSCS Science Learning has compiled a lovely set of activities for anyone to connect with nature.

In community,

JuliA Metzker
Elizabeth Williamson

Teaching Resources

The Learning and Teaching Commons continues to support faculty and instructional staff with ongoing . 

Individual and Small Group Consultations

Facilitated by the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team
The Keep Teaching Coordinating Team will be offering one-on-one or small group consultation sessions for pedagogy and technology related topics. In order to sign up for these sessions, please check the Keep Teaching Canvas calendar for updated times. Please email the Learning and Teaching Commons if you have trouble viewing the canvas calendar or singing up for a session.

Save-the-date! Summer institutes are going virtual.

We are moving forward with a dynamic slate of summer institutes that will be offered remotely.  As in past years, the institutes will include a mix of institutes sponsored by the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education and those initiated by our creative Evergreen community. The COVID-19 response has pushed back our timeline for announcing the institutes.  In the meantime, you may want to hold dates in your calendar for one or more of the following institutes.
  • June 15-16 |  New Faculty Academy
  • June 15-17 | First-year Experience
  • June 18-19 |  Big Bets: New Academic Academic Directions at Evergreen
  • June 29 - July 1 | Resilient Leadership in Times of Change

Remote Teaching Assistants

Many of our student workers are unable to work in their positions because their previously assigned work is not possible under the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order. Do you have work for a student teaching assistant in your program or course? If you have not already done so, please consider filling out a request for a student teaching assistant. Remote teaching assistants will be trained in zoom and canvas, and we will work to match students with faculty based on desired work and skills. 

Call for Submissions: Learning Community Research and Practice Journal

As COVID-19 has impacted higher education across the globe-- requiring educators, student services staff, and administrators to rapidly transition in-person learning experiences into remote learning experiences-- the importance of building community and resilience has never been greater, or more tested. Learning communities, when done well, are known for creating equitable learning opportunities for all students and for building community and student engagement-- issues of high importance in this remote environment we find ourselves in. 
How have learning community programs been affected by the challenges brought on by the pandemic? How have they responded to those challenges and what have they learned? Learning Community Research and Practice is announcing a special issue of the journal, to be published in Spring 2021, that will focus on the learning community response to COVID-19. 
We are seeking articles from learning community practitioners about the puzzles and triumphs experienced in their learning community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Submissions for the special issue are due January 15, 2021 for the Spring 2021 Special Issue. To learn more, or submit an article, please visit the journal website.  

Evergreen Learning & Teaching Bibliography

We are compiling a bibliography of Evergreen staff and faculty publications specifically about learning and teaching (articles, books, assignments, etc.). Please send entries – a quick cut-and-paste from your CV? – to the Learning and Teaching Commons. Our present list is roughly 14 pages long, and composed mostly of publications by Evergreen faculty who have since retired. We’ll share the expanded list when we’ve added in selections from current staff and faculty!

Keep Teaching Canvas Course

We encourage all faculty and instructional staff to enroll in the Keep Teaching Canvas course. The Canvas course offers a robust selection of remote teaching resources, curated by the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team and Evergreen Faculty and Staff.

Important Campus Announcements

It’s been a busy few weeks with an overwhelming amount of communication. We’ve cataloged the communications relevant to teaching and learning on the important updates, policies and recommendations module. Be sure to review the FERPA and Privacy of Records guidelines from Lori Klatt, Interim Registrar. 

Faculty Slack Channel

By now you should have all received an email invitation to join the faculty slack channel. We encourage you to do so. The slack channel offers faculty a robust option for real time communication with each other, the Learning and Teaching Commons, and Academic Technologies. If you are having trouble finding that email, please submit a help ticket at   

Student Resources

Please share these resources with your students.

Academic Statement Workshop

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 | 1:30-3:30 PM PST
Facilitated by Luis Apolaya Torres and Ariel Birks 
Students will learn how to make the most of writing their academic statements from the Writing Center and Academic and Career Advising in thier online Academic Statement Workshop. Students can sign up here: TINYURL.COM/TB9D2FF

Student Technology Needs Survey

Evergreen faculty and staff would like better to understand our students’ experience with technology tools for remote learning. Please encourage your students to take the 5-15 minute survey, available in their portal. You can review the email sent directly to students here
Covid-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented Immigrants and DACA Renewal Scholarships
A COVID-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented Immigrant in Washington State, put together by Washington Dream Coalition, in partnership with Scholarship Junkies, Northwest Immigrant Rights Network, and the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network, is accepting applications starting April 8, 2020. For more information, please visit:
DACA Renewal Scholarships are now available. To learn more, please visit:
Additional resources for supporting students are available in the Keep Teaching and Keep Learning Canvas courses.
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