Safe Fleet Fire, EMS & Industrial (FEI) is proud to announce its inaugural email newsletter! Each month, Safe Fleet FEI will bring you the latest news, products, technology, and current events from Elkhart Brass, Fire Research, ROM, and FoamPro, together in “Driving Safety Forward.” We hope you will find the contents relevant & valuable to you. We're open to your feedback: And, please forward this email to your colleagues - it's easy to opt in.
When it comes to construction and mining work, equipment cleaning is a big challenge. Elkhart Brass is proud to release its latest innovation for washdown and non-classified location fire suppression applications: HYDROBLAST!
When everything’s on the line, trust our family of Fire, EMS and Industrial market products. You get a combined 274 years of experience to help satisfy the toughest customers who work in the most extreme conditions. Safe Fleet and our reputable brands of Fire Research, FoamPro, Elkhart Brass, and ROM, support you better while providing the most reliable, safest solutions to make your job easier. We’re all in this together! Learn more at
Your privacy is VERY important to us! Safe Fleet FEI will not sell, rent, trade, lease, or give out your contact information. We hope you will find the content of our monthly email newsletter relevant and valuable to you. However, you can opt out at any time. We'll certainly be sorry to see you go.