Best & Brightest Recognition
Best & Brightest Recognition
 Chevrolet Dealer of the Year 2014-2017
Best & Brightest Sustainability Award
Matick Chevy Best And Brightest
CENTER STAGE: Corp! Magazine Publisher Jennifer Kluge (left) presents the Best and Brightest award to Matick Chevy Dealer Karl Zimmermann and GM Molly Williams.

'Best And Brightest Sustainability Companies' Program Honors Matick As A Leader In Green Initiatives

"Going green" is more than just a color or a buzzword for our team at Matick Chevy.
An award from Corp! Magazine showcases how we embed sustainable business practices and community service into our DNA.
Our efforts are profoundly affecting our competitiveness and the service we provide for you.
We thank the "101 Best and Brightest Sustainability Companies" program for recognizing our dedication to inspire and produce green practices that impact our dealership, our community and our environment. 
When presenting the awards, Corp! Magazine Publisher Jennifer Kluge said, "This is the premier awards symposium that celebrates those companies that are making their business more sustainable, the lives of their employees better, and the community locally and globally as a whole better as well."
We invite you to visit our dealership to see why we are winning these awards.
Come experience our many sustainability initiatives, including the completely new look and feel of our $9-million LEED Silver-certified renovation and expansion, and learn about our recognition (one of only eight dealerships) by GM's Green Dealer program.
Matick Chevy Best of Detroit Matick Chevy Green Dealer Matick Chevy Matick Chevy Best Dealership To Work For
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