Restoring sons to the Father
Restoring sons to the Father


Edward is a young man that we met some time ago on the streets. He was a transvestite and prostituted himself in the red light district here in Recife. Over time he began to open his heart to us and got together with some of our staff for several times of worship and prayer. 

At the same time, another ministry here in the city had invited him to a retreat for transvestites. At the retreat, they talked about going back to your true identity as sons of God. Edward made the decision that he no longer wanted to live a life of transsexuality and prostitution. At the retreat he got his hair cut and shortly after went out with some of our staff to buy some masculine clothing. 

His life is being transformed by the love of God the Father! Last week, at our most recent Father’s Love Banquet, Edward brought several of his friends with him. These are men who are still living as transvestites and prostitutes. He brought them to the Father’s table and all of them were powerfully touched by the love of God! 

Please join us in praying for Edward as he continues his healing and restoration, and for all of the men who are still on the streets prostituting; that like Edward, they would come to know the Father and be restored as sons!

Edward's transformation
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