Announcements and introductions
Announcements and introductions

Protector User Group Registration Open

Please join us in Nashville, TN, for the 20th annual Protector User Group Meeting (PUGM). Taking place October 22 ­- 24, 2018, this event is perfect for EVERY member of the Protector community. Designed to maximize your fraud management strategies, the PUGM offers indepth system training, guest speakers, carrier-led case studies, access to the entire Equinox team, networking, and plenty of southern hospitality. Get complete details here.  

TeleLink User Group Set for 2019

Many thanks to everyone who made the revamped TeleLink User Group Meeting a rousing success! It was such a hit that we're already planning next year's event. Mark your calendar for April 23 - 24, 2019, as we get the annual tradition rolling once again. Save the date now and watch for complete meeting details and registration link later this year. This meeting is designed to help ALL TeleLink community members.

What's the WISH LIST Anyway?

We often reference the WISH LIST (in fact, it's in Heather's Customer Spotlight below). Do you know what it is? The term “WISH LIST” is a concise way to represent a decades-old process of crowdsourcing and collaboration that drives virtually all product innovation at Equinox. The WISH LIST is a special part of our User Group Meetings (UGM) where each user describes any desired enhancements or new system features. Equinox owners, developers, sales staff, and support team are on hand to discuss each “wish” with the entire group, brainstorming how to implement it to best benefit the collective user community. As soon as the UGM ends, Equinox begins transforming those wishes into reality. So, if you have an idea for improving Protector or TeleLink, we WISH you’d say the word. Your wish really is our driving force!

New Webinar 

As part of our continuing efforts to help protect your revenue, we're pleased to announce a new Protector webinar for July 31, 2018. Watch your inbox for details and signup link. 

Coming Up

7/31 Protector Webinar
Equinox is proud to know fraud management expert, Certified Communications Security Professional, and superstar softball player Heather Davis! She's pictured here with her husband Chris and their children.
Because our customers are fantastic, we can’t help but brag on them! The latest ‘Customer Spotlight’ shines on someone we’ve had the pleasure of knowing for over 17 years, who is a long-time Protector user, PUGM veteran, CCSP, and fraud management expert. If you don’t already know Heather Davis, here’s your chance to meet her. 

Heather first began using Protector in 2001. As a Senior Network Engineer, Heather supervises the LD/Fraud team at her company, so she has lots of experience using the automated fraud management system. She attended her first Protector User Group Meeting (PUGM) in 2002. With 7 PUGMs under her belt, she has contributed multiple case studies for the group. Because she values case studies as one of the event’s primary benefits, she is always quick to volunteer (and we are grateful!). Heather also thinks it’s fantastic that all system enhancements are driven by customer WISH LIST discussion. 

Heather explains, “I get A LOT of value from Protector. Its most useful feature is the ability to tweak the system on the fly… which makes it easy to capture and change CDR Rules and thresholds, because we all know fraud is constantly changing. I am grateful for Ernest on the Equinox Support team. I just love him. He’s the greatest.” 

Beyond her fraud management efforts with Equinox, Heather has also been a very active member of the CFCA (Communications Fraud Control Association) for 12 years. Three years ago, she became a Certified Communications Security Professional and kicked off a three-year term serving on their Board. She is currently seeking re-election to the Board. 

Hailing from Pennsylvania, Heather and her husband have two daughters aged 14 and 7, as well as 10-year old son. All three children play sports, so the family spends a great deal of time on the field every evening after work/school. Heather also plays league softball, a passion she’s carried over from college. Her team is good; in fact, they took the national title 10 years ago! Heather shares her talents by coaching her children’s teams and other players on the side. She admits to having competitive streak and is waiting for Ernest and Equinox Support to have a baseball/softball challenge, as that would be right up her alley.

Equinox is grateful for the opportunity to work with Heather for the last 17 years. We especially appreciate her willingness to share her knowledge and insight via case studies to benefit others in the Protector community. We heartily thank Heather!
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