A Message from Dr. Marion Smith Jr. – Deputy Superintendent of Academics

First Days of School: Congratulations on a successful start to the 21-22 school year! Thank you all for your focus, flexibility, welcoming spirit, and dedication to make the return to in-person learning positive for our scholars and families, as we continue to navigate the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on our work each day. As I visited schools this week and observed learning and teaching in the classrooms, I noticed a great deal of positive things going on.

As we prioritize time each day during the first two weeks of school implementing ‘Culture Camp’ activities, strategies, and lessons designed to assist in making connections and building relationships centered around belonging, dignity and scholar achievement, I invite each of us to ask ourselves one question each day:

What did I do or say today that had a positive impact on the life of a scholar?

“Sawubona”- This Zulu greeting has been on my mind recently. It literally means “I see you.” More than words of politeness, sawubona carries the importance of recognizing the worth and dignity of each person.  It says, “I see the whole of you—your experiences, your passions, your pain, your strengths and weaknesses, and your future.” As it relates to our work, this emphasizes authentic relationships and the importance of fostering a sense of belonging in schools. As we continue to truly “seeing” our beautifully diverse scholars and families, my commitment to you is that I also “see” YOU and acknowledge the great assets, passion, and skills that each of you brings to our schools each day. Thank you for your leadership. 

Your partner in education,
Marion Smith Jr, EdD | Deputy Superintendent of Academics  
District Mentor Teacher Leaders Program 

Calling all leaders of learning!
The District Mentor Teacher Leaders Program provides an opportunity to support the development, implementation, and continued professional learning of district-level mentorship to building-level teacher mentors, as they work directly with 1st and 2nd-year teachers.  This opportunity is open to certified, school site-based personnel who have completed at least two full school years of service as a Mentor with SLPS. 
  • Minimum of 5 years teaching experience with proficient ratings on the Performance-based Teacher Evaluation
  • Experience leading adults
  • Experience working on a team
  • Experience leading professional development
  • Approved by the building principal
  • Has Participated in the Teacher Mentor Program for a minimum of two years
Responsibilities – The Mentor Teacher Leader must by willing to:
  • Participate in district-level cognitive coaching formal training up to 10 sessions throughout the year, first session September 8-9, 2021 (logistics to be communicated directly to those selected For This Role)
  • Co-develop professional development and present training To school-based teacher mentors
  • Co-facilitate district-level professional development for mentors within a cluster configuration
  • Ensure mentor logs from assigned mentor cluster areas Are uploaded to Frontline
  • Reflect upon and give feedback regarding the mentoring process in order to sustain high-quality mentorship
Mentor Teacher Leaders receive a stipend of $1200 (paid in a fall and a spring installment) for your service to this position
Fellowship Duration: September 2021-May 2022 (approx. 2-5 hrs. per week)

TO EXPRESS INTEREST & APPLY: Please access the application here and submit your completed application to latisha.smith@slps.org.  In the subject line of your email, please include the name: Mentor Teacher Leader Application 2021. NOTE: Required Cognitive Coaching Training for all  Mentor Teacher Leaders will occur September 8-9, 2021.  (Logistics to follow for those selected).

Applications will be accepted until 12 Noon on Thursday, September 2, 2021. 
SLPS Vaccine Mandate Information
Following the news that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, District administration made a recommendation to the Board of Education of the City of St. Louis for a new policy mandating vaccination. The recommendation was unanimously approved on August 24, 2021, at the BOE meeting. This decision was made with the health and wellness of all students, families, and staff in mind. Please click here to view the District's FAQ page regarding the mandate. 
Academic Office Newsletter Schedule
In keeping with our Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn theme for school year 21-22, the decision has been made to restructure the distribution schedule for the Academic Office Newsletter. Starting August 26, 2021, the AON will be sent to SLPS staff on a bi-weekly basis every other Thursday. To view the distribution calendar, please click here
Free Printable Posters
School-based staff, if you would like to "jazz" up your classroom this year, please visit School Posters for free printable posters or click here
Standards-Based Learning Corner
Click here to explore past topics related to Standards-Based Learning and Grading in SLPS.
Curriculum Specialists:
  • Dr. Esther Palsenberger, Elementary ELA, 314-779-5939
  • Judine Keplar, Secondary ELA, 314-532-6427
  • Zehra Khan, Secondary Math, 314-532-3574
  • J. Carrie Launius, Elementary Science, 314-934-5258
  • Dr. Valentina Bumbu, Secondary Science, 573-544-6835
  • Dr. Glenn Barnes, Social Studies, 314-934-5267
  • John Grapperhaus, Visual Arts, 314-934-5320
  • Kaye Harrelson, Performing Arts, 314-934-5445
  • Dr. Taresa Wright-Fraser, Elementary Math, 314-943-5266
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