More New Patients: March 2017
More New Patients: March 2017
your online identity starts here
March 2017
energize your website


Blogging has developed a reputation of blah-gging. Boring to read. Boring to write. Who cares. Right?
Wrong. If you think blah-gging is yesterday's news, you're missing out on a gold mine of potential patients. The truth is, most businesses blog all wrong. The good news is, Identiwrite blogs ALL RIGHT! 
Let me introduce you to power blogging. Think of it as power walking for your marketing strategy. The more you do it, the better the results. The longer your power blogs, the stronger the outcome. But unlike what's true for exercise, you can have an expert write blogs for you! We conduct reseach, then plan and execute. By using strategic keywords, we get your web site seen, and track the results month by month to gauge success.
Visit this webpage to learn more about blogging, and click here to read the blog 5 Reasons POWER BLOGGING Is a MUST. If you want new patients and a high return on your marketing investment, you simply CANNOT skip this info!
Shauna Duty
Original copywriting
If you had to write dentistry blogs day in and day out, you may run out of topics on day 15, or maybe on day 30.
The 50th time you had to compose content about porcelain crowns, you may inadvertently repeat yourself – writing the same words you’d previously composed or accidentally plagiarizing another writer.
Identiwrite promises original content. How is it possible to come up with new ideas and new ways to say the same thing? Let me explain.

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