BE PROUD noteworthy accomplishments
Adriana Flores ’13, Collins Memorial Library, presented a poster session on "The More the Merrier: Mentoring Undergrad Interns in the Archive" at the Society of American Archivists Conference, held in Portland, Ore.
Janet Marcavage and Todd Jannausch, art and art history, received the 2017 Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Art Award. The GCTF exhibition of work by 2017 awardees will be on display at Spaceworks Gallery through Oct. 19, with an opening reception on Sept. 21.
Congratulations to Mark Martin, biology, who was awarded the 2018 Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award by the American Society for Microbiology, which "honors an educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students and for encouraging them to subsequent achievement."
Lori Ricigliano, Collins Memorial Library, was appointed a research affiliate at the Electronic Literature Lab of Washington State University, Vancouver. The focus of the lab is advanced inquiry into the curating, preserving, and production of born-digital literary works.
George Tomlin, occupational therapy, was third author of the article, “Die Forschungspyramide –
Teil 1: Theoretische und Konzeptionelle Grundlagen (
The Research Pyramid – Part 1: Theoretical and Conceptual Principles)," published in the 2017 second quarterly issue of Ergoscience, a German-language occupational therapy journal.