April 13, 2021
Edition Topics

  1. Message from Dr. Silvertooth
  2. Graduate Student Lightning Talks for Arid Lands Virtual Conference
  3. Dr. Matthew Lapierre -  Turbeville Speaker Series
  4. Horticulture Agent - Pinal County
  5. Mohave County 4-H Assistant/Associate Agent Candidate Seminar Recordings
  6. Sustainable Southwest Beef - Precision Ranching Technologies
  7. Tomatoes Galore! Webinar
  8. Beginner Farmer's Apprenticeship Program (BFAP)

Message from the Associate Dean and Extension Director

 Many things have changed over the past year in terms of how we conduct the business for the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension System (CES), particularly in relation to distance and remote operations.

As we transition back towards more face-to-face interactions with basic operations and program delivery, it is important that we think strategically in the management of this process.  I believe that employers in many industries nationwide will be implementing significant adjustments in their definition of the workplace in the coming years after the pandemic. 

Remote employment is now a reality for the CES and many other organizations who could not envision it before.  We have been doing it this past year out of necessity and overall it has been a remarkable shift in operations and program delivery.  This new model is going to translate into significant changes in the future in terms of staffing and supervision decisions, communication methods in the workplace, space management and investment, broadening of activities, and more. 

This is a time for all county and academic unit heads to think and manage strategically as we advance through the transition phases for the CES in terms of programs and activities that need to be face-to-face engagement and those that can be effectively managed and delivered remotely.  Similarly, all units need to work with faculty and staff and give full consideration to the options for on-site and remote work stations.  Some positions and related duties are amenable to this and some are not.

We all need to work together in this transition process and your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

For reference to the status of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Phased Operational Plan and brief phase management descriptions, please refer to the following link:      

Graduate Student Lightning Talks for Arid Lands Virtual Conference

The International Arid Lands Consortium (IALC) Virtual Conference is seeking graduate students to participate in a Lightning Talk competition! Six graduate students will win a $100 gift card! Graduate students are requested to submit a 3-minute video about one or more of the conference themes: Water & Agriculture, Land & Natural Environment, or Forests & Fire by 30 April 2021. Please view the full eligibility criteria and submission form.

Access more information about the conference, including free registration.  Please distribute this announcement to others who may be interested.

For more information, contact Amber Dalke, adalke@arizona.edu.

Dr. Matthew Lapierre - Turbeville Speaker Series - April 15, 2021

Please join the Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families on Thursday, April 15, 2021 from 3:45 PM-5:00 PM for Dr. Matthew Lapierre’s Turbeville Talk.

Dr. Lapierre’s talk, “Negotiating the Child's Consumer Environment: Current Challenges for Parents and Children”, will explore issues on children’s consumer environments, the issues parents face regarding children’s consumer behavior, and how children’s development is specifically implicated as they enter the consumer environment.

Register for this event

Horticulture Agent - Pinal County

University of Arizona Cooperative Extension invites applicants for a Horticulture Assistant/Associate Agent position for Pinal County Cooperative Extension. The position will develop and deliver educational information, structured programs, and technical support to the consumer/commercial horticulture sectors and urban food systems in Pinal County, Arizona.
Minimum qualifications for the position include a Master’s degree in horticulture or related scientific discipline.

Find the posting online at https://talent.arizona.edu/, choose appropriate selection from dropdown menu at top right of screen then search req4703.

Mohave County 4-H Assistant/Associate Agent Candidate Seminars

The Search and Screen committee for the Mohave County Assistant/Associate Agent invites you to view the candidate Seminar recordings. The person in this position will be required to develop and implement positive youth development programming and is 100% responsible for 4-H Youth Program management. This position will provide leadership to grow a large, multi-layer, and complex volunteer organization that delivers high-quality youth development programming through a wide variety of content areas. The position will be responsible for the recruitment, certification, training, development, and discipline of 4-H Volunteer Leaders.

All Cooperative Extension faculty and staff are invited to participate, especially those who currently conduct or aspire to offer youth programming. 

Recordings can be found:
Doug Reed  https://tinyurl.com/MCCE4HDougReed
Sam Minch https://tinyurl.com/MCCE4HSamMinch

Candidate CV's are available upon request. Please contact Andrew Brischke at: brischke@cals.arizona.edu

Evaluation surveys for candidates can be found at: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_08udtt6oO0T5FLU 

Evaluations will be due by COB Monday April 19, 2021.

Sustainable Southwest Beef - Precision Ranching Technologies

Sustainable Southwest Beef - Precision Ranching Technologies - April 13th, 1:00 pm MDT Register here (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/144491476897)

Learn about cutting edge technologies for precision livestock ranching in extensive rangeland systems. Dr. Shelemia Nyamuryekung’e will discuss the precision ranching technologies under evaluation by the Sustainable Southwest Beef Project, including cattle movement sensors and virtual fencing. Asombro Institute for Science Education will present on related education materials suitable for classroom use and/or youth programming. Dr. Michael Crimmins, Professor & Extension Specialist in Climate Science at the University of Arizona will present on My RAINge Log (https://myraingelog.arizona.edu/), a tool specifically designed around the type of infrequent, cumulative precipitation observations often collected at remote, rangeland sites.

Tomatoes Galore! Webinar

April 15, 2021 11:00am to 12:00pm 
Featured Speakers: Jane Crafter and Sandy Herr, Payson Community Gardeners. Jane and Sandy joined the Payson Community Garden in the Spring of 2019 in hopes of producing a wonderful harvest, especially tomatoes.  

Webinar Overview: The information that we want to share is what we have learned in our first two years of growing tomatoes in our plot in the community garden.  Hopefully, this information will be helpful to first time gardeners and maybe even experienced gardeners can pick up some tips. Jane and Sandy will cover basic types of tomatoes, including indeterminate, determinate, heirloom and hybrid varieties, and their favorite varieties: Beefsteak, Lemon Boy, Big Boy, Celebrity, Summer Set, and Yellow Pear Cherry. You will learn about their planting techniques, watering schedule, Walls of Water, types of tomato cages, using tulle fabric cover and companion plants.

Zoom Link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/82524359900. Please log in up to 10 minutes prior to the webinar.

Cost: Free 
Registration: Not required 

Beginner Farmer's Apprenticeship Program (BFAP)

The Beginning Farmer's Apprenticeship Program (Yavapai and Coconino Counties) will provide the next generation of small and urban farmers the opportunity to learn from experienced local farmers with hands-on experience. This will be complimented with on-farm scientific discussions and regular visits by Extension faculty.

Please submit an application if you are interested.

   •  May 11th - Introductory class to meet your host farmer (on-line/in person)
   •  June 1st to October 30th - Work with host farmer, learn about their operations and
       fine tune your business plan
   •  October 30th - Present your project and business plan to the class

Non-refundable Cost - $100
Space limited.

TMN Submittal Process

Please submit your news by 4:00pm Monday to TMN [tmn@cals.arizona.edu].

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