Winter Mulching for a Bountiful Harvest
Winter Mulching for a Bountiful Harvest

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Winter’s chill is here – and it’s time to get the garden ready. One of the simplest ways we can protect plants in winter is by applying mulch.
Winter mulching has many benefits and over the long term, can even make major positive changes to the quality of your soil. Many types of plants benefit from mulching - especially edible fruits and berries
Did you know added winter protection from mulch leads to a bigger harvest the next season? Here's Why!
Winter in the Southern states tends to come in waves. Likewise, soil temperatures tend to rise during the day and drop at night, which can cause alternating freezing and thawing, putting a lot of stress on plants. With their shallow roots, edible plants like strawberries, blueberries, or figs benefit from a layer of winter mulch to even out temperatures and break the freeze-thaw cycle.
If you’re dreaming of fresh fruit next year, give our popular Takes the Cake® Blueberry, Bless Your Heart® Blueberry, and DownHome Harvest® ‘Little Miss Figgy’ Fig varieties an inch or two of mulch this winter, encouraging plentiful fruit the next season!  
Kimberly Toscano is a freelance writer, gardening expert and traveler with an eye on design. Kimberly blends her formal training in horticulture and entomology with her passion for design to educate and inspire gardeners.
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