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December Newsletter

We wish you great joy and happiness this holiday season. 
Please note the CADSA office will be closed from December 18th- January 7th. Please contact us with any questions 517-333-6655.
We thank you for sharing this year with us. We hope you enjoy this time with family & friends.  We look forward to seeing you in the NEW YEAR!

New calender coming soon, in our January newsletter. 

We look forward to continuing to offer our CADSA members a variety of programs and services in 2019.

We are so proud of the amazing programs and services we have been able to provide this year and are excited to share the wonderful things you have to look forward to in 2019, coming soon.
We value your input and want to hear what other classes and services you would like in 2019!  Please complete the survey to help guide our growth in 2019!
Take the survey

             CADSA IS NOW


What is Best Buddies?
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).  The programs empower the special abilities of people with IDD by helping them form meaningful friendships with their peers, and feel valued by society.
  • MSU is the CADSA chapter.  The location of monthly gathering will be on MSU campus. 
  • The one-to -one friendships will have several components. 
    • The expectation is that at least once a week the buddy CADSA member, and the MSU student peer buddy, will have communication on the phone, computer or email. 
    • In addition they have the opportunity to hang out at an all chapter monthly event.  They will have one other opportunity to go out with their buddies in the community. They may choose to go hang out at the movies, dinner, bowling, or some other activity.  The expectation is to have two monthly activities, one can be the all chapter monthly event.
    • These activity costs will be the responsibility of the individual, and the arrangements are made with the parents input. 
    • MSU peer buddies pay their own activity costs.
    • There is no cost to join the Best Buddies Program.  

  • How do I get involved? There is an application and matching process.
    Start the process?  Fill out the application. Click Here

We belong to the MSU chapter of Best Buddies.  MSU Chapter President Sarah Woodstein, Best Buddies CADSA Host Site Coordinator- Jennifer Botruff.

As our programs for 2018 are coming to a close, end of the year reminders....


Move, Play, Groove 5:00pm-5:45pm preschool through elementary and their caregivers. 
Session 6
Last few classes for the year 12/6, 12/13

Buckets of Fun Program 6:00pm-6:45pm for kids 8 and up join us for fall session 5. 
Session 6
Last few classes for the year 12/6, 12/13
Join us for Playtime Pals 
What a great time we had last month at our November Playtime Pals class!  Join us this month for more fun with friends! 
Please join us this month for a great time with friends!
Saturday, December 15, 2018, 10:00am-11:00am
This monthly sensory, structured play-based class focuses on social skills fine/gross motor skills, and sensory awareness through music, art, stories, and other playtime fun. This play group is designed to help toddlers and parents build friendships and support one another through this journey. Help us plan, please RSVP and JOIN US! 
Coordinator - Lizette Vasquez


Let’s have some fun!

Come join us for a game day!
Bring your favorite board or card game to play with friends.

CADSA will supply a dinner.

WhenDecember 15, 2018
1:00 pm- 3:30 pm

CADSA-808 W. Lake Lansing Road, Suite 101 East Lansing, MI 48823

NOTE: Please register by December 12th, so we can order food.
Coordinator - Angela Rasegan, 


MNO Crafting

Join us for some seasonal crafting, cost $5.
CADSA will provide materials for a variety of crafts to take home and enjoy, or give as gifts to friends.

When: Sunday, December 16, 2018,  12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Where: 808 W. Lake Lansing Road, Suite 101 East Lansing, Michigan 48823

Coordinator Janice Frankovich,

December Host: Jennifer Botruff


Did you know? 
October 24th, Jennifer Botruff, CADSA Executive Director was nominated to take part in the MSU’s Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement (CSLCE) 50th anniversary celebration. Jennifer took part along with 30 other leaders in the Lansing Community nominated for their community partnerships with Michigan State University.  Each year, there are more than 32,000 student registrations in community engagement activities. Community partners play an important role in preparing students for a lifetime of engagement and contribute greatly to the public purposes of higher education.
Reminder Save the Date
  • CADSA office is closed for the holiday season, December 18th- January 7th.  If you have an urgent need please contact 517-333-6655 and we will return your call.
  • Sign Language- GREAT NEWS Jessica will be rejoining our class as the instructor for 2019!
  • MNO January 12, 2019, January host: Krista Baumann. 
    SAVE THE DATE we will be going to  Escape 20/20
  • Please complete the survey, the new program calendar coming soon.
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808 W Lake Lansing Road, Suite 101 | East Lansing, MI | 48823 US

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