A virtual cryptologic program in January, plus more news.
A virtual cryptologic program in January, plus more news.
Friedman Holiday Gram
Happy Holidays - Friedman Style! - CLICK HERE or on the image above to learn about one of our favorite cryptologic power couple's coded holiday gram!
Dear Friend ~ Welcome to our final issue of the NCMF Web Link e-newsletter for 2020. 
We hope you and yours enjoy a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. And we look forward to the hope and promise of a brand new year.
This issue includes information about our January 29th virtual program featuring Dr. David Sherman, an end-of-year message from our President & CEO, plus news about NCMF BoD member Elonka Dunin's new book, and other interesting news & articles.
Need to RENEW your membership? Join or renew securely online. You can also purchase an NCMF membership as a gift or donate to the NCMF In Honor or In Memory of a friend or loved one. Finally, you may also designate your donation to the CCEI-New Museum campaign or NCMF Education Program.
Visit our Home Page for latest news and articles. Find upcoming events (including VIRTUAL Museum events) at the end of this email.
Consider the NCMF in your End of Year Giving

Message from NCMF President & CEO Laura Nelson

2020 has been a difficult and challenging year for so many people and organizations. We remain very grateful for the loyal support of our Members, Donors, Friends, and CCEI Campaign Founders. In this end-of-year message, the NCMF President & CEO Laura Nelson shares about progress the Foundation has made this year and about plans for the new year.
NCMF Virtual Program - 29 January 2021 
"American Codebreakers at Bletchley Park, 1941-1945"
We invite you to join us on January 29th at 10am EST for our first virtual program of 2021, "American Codebreakers at Bletchley Park, 1941-1945," to be held via Zoom webinar with guest speaker, Dr. David Sherman.
Dr. Sherman will discuss a secret February 1941 U.S. visit to Britain’s wartime codebreaking center and how it set the stage for the enduring partnership that emerged after World War II, a partnership often called the closest and most important relationship in the history of intelligence. His monograph on the 1941 mission, The First Americans, is available online from the Center for Cryptologic History. Learn more about Dr. David Sherman via our Quarterly Programs page.
NCMF BoD Member Elonka Dunin's New Book is Available!
Congratulations to NCMF BoD Member Elonka Dunin on the recent publication of her book, Codebreaking: A Practical Guide, co-authored by Klaus Schmeh.
More and more people are taking an interest in real-world mysteries and challenging puzzles. If you are a fan of challenges or crypto-mysteries or know someone who is - this is a perfect book to add to the library. 
This practical guide to breaking codes and solving cryptograms describes the most common encryption techniques along with methods to detect and break them. The guide also covers many unsolved messages. It is available now via Book Depository and Amazon-UK. Soon to be available via Amazon-US.
PBS Film Celebrates Elizebeth Smith Friedman
PBS Elizebeth Friedman
On 11 January 2021, PBS will premiere a film about the life of American Cryptologic Pioneer Elizebeth Smith Friedman - based on the book Smashing Codes by Jason Fagone.
Learn more & watch the extended trailer.
ZODIAC Killer's "340 Cipher" SOLVED! - On December 3rd, 2020, an international three-person team of codebreakers made a breakthrough with the Zodiac Killer's unsolved 340-character cipher. The members of the team that cracked the code are: Sam Blake (Australia), Jarl Van Eycke (Belgium), and David Oranchak (USA). Learn More.
Remembering the Crew and Cryptologist Passengers of RG-407 (from StationHypo.com) - Ten Sailors (crew & cryptologist passengers of flight RG-407) gave their lives during the Vietnam War in the defense of their country while flying over the South China Sea on December 12, 1971. StationHypo.com remembers these sailors and explores the appeal to have their names included on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. Learn More.
View More Cryptologic Bytes Articles
  • MUSEUM remains closed due to COVID-19. However, virtual opportunities are available - see below.
  • DEC - Museum virtual tours via EventBrite. MORE.
  • 11 JAN 2021 - PBS Premiere of film about Elizebeth Friedman. MORE.
  • 15 JAN 2021 - End of Combined Federal Campaign. MORE.
  • 29 JAN 2021 - NCMF Virtual Program - American Codebreakers at Bletchley Park, 1941-1945 with Dr. David Sherman. MORE. 
  • 26 FEB 2021 - Deadline for Cryptologic Hall of Honor nominations. MORE.
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