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Addressing Wikipedia Bias
Addressing Wikipedia Bias
Chapter highlights student efforts to reduce Wikipedia bias
Dan Braun talks with golfer Colin Walsh in front of a white tent on the sidelines of a golf tournament

Helping Hawks Win in the Classroom

The average GPA for IUP student-athletes has risen every semester since 2018, when IUP became one of the few State System schools to designate an academic support staff member for athletics. Learn more about IUP Athletics’ playbook for academic success, led by golf coach Dan Braun.
Jialei Jiang D’20 and English faculty member Matthew Vetter have published a chapter in The Epistemology of Deceit in a Postdigital Era. It examines how college students have composed articles for Wikipedia to address its systemic bias, especially relating to coverage of women and minorities.
Student Assistance Fund
Help those facing financial hardship stay in school.
The Penn
IUP’s student-run newspaper
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