Dean's Remarks
Years ago, when we lived in Maryland, a missionary family returned to the US when their teenage daughter was diagnosed with invasive cancer. She was prayed for, had access to great medical care, was surrounded by loving family and friends, and was an amazing Christ-follower with a powerful testimony.  Nonetheless, she died within the year.  A few months later, as I visited with her mother, Toni, she said, “I went outside last evening and saw the beautiful sunset, in bright pinks like lipstick, and I yelled at God, ‘If you can make this beauty, why couldn’t you save Amy’s life?!’” I understood her mother’s heart but was a bit taken aback as I hadn’t ever thought to yell at God.  But, she went on to say, “I yell at Him sometimes because I know he can take it and he really does love us.”  And, 20+ years later, Toni continues to tell of a loving God who was with her, not only in periods of thanksgiving, but also in life-altering times.  
As I mentioned at the School of Education Kickoff in August, I have been intentional about studying the spiritual aspects of lament in this challenging season of our lives.  The practice of lament isn’t a regular part of my spiritual upbringing but I am learning so much as I dig a bit deeper into it...

Hear from recent scholarship recipients about how generous donors have positively affected students' journeys in the School of Education!

"This scholarship provided me with sufficient financial cushioning to eliminate my second job at Target...I was able to prioritize my work in schools and for APU, rather than focusing elsewhere. Second, this granted me more stability and peace in my life in general. Running back and forth between two jobs and my classes was hectic. This scholarship allowed me moments, however brief, to rest."

Tanner Mizel

Special Education (Mod-Severe)
San Diego

"With two daughters in college, choosing to get my doctoral degree was something I would never have considered. But, through an educational project I was leading in the country of Malawi, the Lord really impressed on me how a doctoral degree could help further a worthy cause for some of the most vulnerable people. As a result, I am doing research on how a Biblical life skills program is impacting the dropout rate due to early pregnancy and child marriage in the country of Malawi. This is not possible without the financial help of donors."

Stacy Meyer

EdD in Educational Leadership

"Because I am currently participating in clinical practice, I am technically working full-time hours without pay. This has made it extremely challenging for my family who is having to live off of one teacher's income (my husband is a teacher), with our new baby who was born in March. This additional money helps to offset what we owe towards tuition."

Catherine Thiveos

Single Subject Credential Program

"Without the generous scholarships that I received, I just could not make the numbers work to allow me to follow my dreams and return to school and become a teacher candidate - a dream that I have had for as long as I could remember."

David Mariott

Single Subject Credential Program

Support the School of Education Scholarship Fund today!
If you are interested in supporting School of Education's scholarship programs in the form of a tax deductible donation, please click the link below. 
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As we head into the hopeful season of Advent, we invite you to Rally with Us, a festive virtual event to raise funds for student scholarships.  Mark your calendar for December 9 at 7:00 p.m. and join the APU community in this special gathering where you will hear from two students from the Department of Biology and Chemistry, enjoy festive Christmas music, and more.
Register Now

Virtual Prayer Gathering

December 15

SOE faculty, staff, and students! Please join us as we meet to pray together and encourage one another.

*May 2020 and December 2020 Graduates Virtual Commencement

December 12 and December 19

Please join us to honor and celebrate our recent graduates.

*Not an APU School of Education sponsored event
Special Education Resources for Teachers to Use During Distance Learning
By Heather Nelson
Tailoring your special education resources for remote learning is more important than ever.

SOE Scholarship Applications 

Now Open

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Do you know someone who is interested in SOE programs?

Please feel free to forward the following information to them.

Spring Graduate Application Deadline

Apply for the Spring 2021 semester by November 30, 2020.
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