October 15, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 10
Fall Events!
October 30, 2014: Centenary College, Hackettstown, NJ; Discover Your Dream Job!
November 7, 2014: Women's Job Club at The County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ.  The Power of Your Personal Year!
Need a speaker?  If you are a member of a group who needs a speaker or can connect me with a group, please send me a note.

“My session with Deb was thought-provoking, fascinating, and fun!   I actually had several “aha” moments as the session progressed.  The mission statement is one I can embrace, and I believe it will help me as I move forward on my path!” 
Deb Wilber is the owner of Real Life Spark, a coaching practice dedicated to Igniting YOUR Transformation!  

Helping others feel confident and achieve their goals is true bliss for Deb and a theme throughout her life and career.  

Working with Deb, you will benefit from her authentic style, senior corporate executive experience, intuitive knowledge in addition to her business education and coach training.

Deb's Sparks!
It's October!  I am writing this month's newsletter from Scotland and so far, its been a great trip.  My plan was to finish my newsletter long before vacation but it's been a busy Fall.  
My favorite volunteer activity - RUMMAGE - ocurred in September with the sale during the first weekend in October!  It's always a lot of fun and hard work and usually delivers a couple of rummage treasures!    Rummage always fills my heart (and empties my wallet)!  Mark your calendar for the sale the first weekend in May and the first weekend in October.
Scotland is a bucket list trip for me.  So far, I have spent time in Edinburgh and Glasgow and when you read this I will be driving towards and through the Highlands and the Whisky Trail.  The people are lovely and the castles and cathedrals are beautiful. I am surprised by the Harry Potter inspiration everywhere.  I had tea at the Elephant House where JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.  
Here's a picture of Edinburgh Castle!  Amazing!
Peace, Love and Sparks!  Deb
Igniting YOUR Transformation!  
Understand you story!  I recently attended a grief workshop led by Sue Frederick.  My intention for attending this workshop was to assist and learn from Sue but I also gained a greater understanding of myself and my story.
Our day started with each group member's story of grief - many tears and heartfelt stories were shared. We worked through guilt, relationship dynamics, and understanding birth path, sun sign and personal year cycles of both ourselves and our loved ones. The day concluded with healing and release. It was amazing to watch the transformation individually and in the group. 
If you are open to understanding your soul's journey, you can ignite amazing transformative moments. This is part of the work I do with clients.
Tools You can Use!  Be Present
As I am on vacation and trying to see as much of Scotland as I can in 10 days, I need to remind myself to slow down and be present. It's not about seeing as much as I can, but about experiencing whatever fits into the 10 days as fully as possible.  Scotland will be here when I return to see and experience the rest.
Remember to slow down and be present in your own life.  By the time you are reading my next newsletter we will be approaching Thanksgiving and the holiday season.  So let's practice slowing down now and being present for all moments.  Because it's in the moments that we are present, we can hear the whispers of our heart and soul. 
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