4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, May 19, 2023
Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well!
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Welcome 4-H ClubIt was dirt night at the May meeting. Flowers planted and dirt cups eaten. Members will bring their flower pots back in August to show how your flowers grew.
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Pollinator Ignite Project: Design a Butterfly ContestWI 4-H and our 4-H Teen Pollinator Ignite Project have teamed up with our friends at the WI Extension Horticulture Program to raise pollinator awareness through a Design a Butterfly contest. It is open to all ages. The artwork and entry forms are due by June 30. The entry form can be found at: https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/pollinator-week/. Scroll down to Design a Butterfly Art Contest. Also, make sure to mark your calendar for Pollinator Month in June. The horticulture program has some great things planned: https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/pollinator-week/. Be on the watch for more information on an educational online session being offered with our 4-H teens.
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Cloverbud Day Camp - Registration DeadlineJust a friendly reminder Saturday, May 20 is the deadline to receive a camp t-shirt when registering for Cloverbud Day Camp. Registration is open in 4HOnline through Friday, June 2. Please save the following dates for Cloverbud Day Camp: Wednesday, June 14, Wednesday, June 28, and Wednesday, August 16! We have extended the fun again this year and are offering 3 day camps.
- Foodie Camp - Grab your aprons as we enter into the kitchen for Foodie Camp. At camp, youth will learn different cooking and baking skills. Youth will try different recipes and compile a recipe book at the end of camp. Each day youth will have the chance to practice different skills while cooking in the kitchen.
- Superheroes in our Community - Be a superhero for the day at Superheroes in our Community. Campers are encouraged to dress like their favorite superheroes! Youth will learn about different superheroes in the Fond du Lac County Community. The day will consist of various guest speakers such as police officers, firefighters, teachers, farmers, etc. Youth will participate in an obstacle course, learn about the superpowers of the community superheroes, and create their own superheroes at camp!
- Art Camp - If your camper loves making a colorful mess, then this is the camp for them! Your artist will love to get their hands dirty by painting, creating, and molding new projects each day. Art is one of the largest projects in 4-H, so youth will get a taste of what they can sign up for under the art project. Examples of projects may include painting, simple woodworking, drawing, tie-dye, etc.
Register through 4-H Online under events starting April 15. Register by May 20 in order to receive a camp T-Shirt. The camps are limited to 30 participants per camp. Register through 4-H online under events! Registration closes June 2 or if the camp fills before then. See the flyer for more information or contact Tracy Keifenheim at tracy.keifenheim@wisc.edu.
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LEGO Camp is a camp for youth to learn different LEGO building skills. The LEGO Club and the project is growing fast. Join us during this camp and get a taste of what LEGO Club is like! Youth will build different creations with LEGO bricks at the office. No need to bring any from home! Youth will also learn about different building and engineering techniques, as well as do some LEGO crafts they can take home! Youth will work as a team to complete a challenge, so let’s get building!
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Congratulations, Sam! The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation is proud to announce our 2023 Scholarship Winners! It was a very competitive year with 33 finalists named and 16 scholarships awarded.
Harold and Irene Hendrickson Memorial Scholarship, $2,500 scholarship
Autumn Lorenz, Outagamie County ($2,500)
Sam Mess, Fond du Lac County ($2,500)
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Fashion Revue Registration Opened May 1All 4-H members in the clothing, crocheting, knitting, cloverbud, consumer savvy, and exploring projects are invited to participate. Participants will be graded on the garment itself, their creativity in the project, and the overall appearance of the garment on the model. On the night of the event, please arrive wearing the garment that will be judged as youth will model the garment. Register in 4HOnline. See more details here.
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Foods Revue Registration Opened May 14-H members in Foods, Cloverbud, or Exploring projects plan a menu, prepare a food item, and present the menu and food item creatively through a table setting. Youth speak with a judge about the elements of menu planning and the food they have prepared. Various prizes are awarded. This year's theme is CHEESE! There are different categories to compete in. For more details please visit: https://fonddulac.extension.wisc.edu/events-activities/. Click on the Foods Revue Section.
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| May:
Fashion and Foods Revue Registration Opened May 1
Shooting Sports
- May 23, 25, 30, 5:30-7:30 pm, Izaak Walton N6491 Co Rd K, Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Teen Leaders Association Meeting
- May 22, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room & via Zoom
- May 23, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
Memorial Day (Monday, May 29)- Office Closed
Fashion and Foods Revue Registration Deadline June 2
Cloverbud Day Camp: Foodie Camp
- June 14, 9 am- 3 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
- Register through 4-HOnline
Summer Academy
Foodie Camp- June 19-21, 9 am- 3 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
- Register through 4-HOnline
Fashion Revue
- June 19, 6:00 pm, Winnebago County Extension office- Oshkosh
- Register through 4-HOnline
Foods Revue
- June 20, 6:00 pm, Marian University Stayer Center
- Register through 4-HOnline
Teen Leaders Association Meeting
- June 26, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room & via Zoom
- June 27, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
Cloverbud Day Camp: Superheroes in the Community
- June 28, 9 am- 3 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
- Register through 4-HOnline
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