4-H Friday
4-H Friday

4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, February 7, 2025

Head with lightbulb, heart with a heart, hands with a hand, and health with an apple representing the symbols of 4-H.
Tina Engelhardt in white pants and a blue shirt sitting on a rock outside by the grass.

Farewell, Tina!

Tina Engelhardt, the 4-H program assistant, has accepted another position within Fond du Lac County. Her last day at UW-Extension will be February 14. Over the last 12 years, Tina has enjoyed working for Extension but is just ready for a new challenge. During her time at Extension, Tina met some wonderful people (including 4-H families), learned a lot, and had awesome co-workers. Tina will continue to serve as a 4-H volunteer, so you can't get rid of her that easily. In Tina's absence, please email Tracy Keifenheim at  tracy.keifenheim@wisc.edu with any 4-H related questions.
Club News written in white with a green background with a newspaper displayed

Have a Newsletter Contribution?

ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at
https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well! 
Animal Sciences written in white with a 4-H green background. A white pig is before the words.
Market Livestock Update
Come join us for the 2025 Orientation Meeting on March 3 at 7:00 pm in the Rec Building at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds. Don’t forget to continue to send in those educational points. You can find the link on the Fond du Lac County Fair website under the exhibitors tab:    https://www.fonddulaccountyfair.com/.
In-Person YQCA
In-person, YQCA is scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 8:00 am - 9:30 am, in the Expo Building at the Fond du Lac County fairgrounds. Please arrive no later than 7:45 am to check-in. If you plan on attending, it is mandatory for you to fill out the Google Form linked below in the red button.  
YQCA Sign-Up
Feed & Supplements Educational Meeting flyer for Market Livestock Project youth scheduled for Gebruary 12. Green background with white lettering.

Market Livestock Youth Looking for Educational Opportunities?

Meet the brilliant minds behind the Showrite and the Umbarger line and get insider tips that can make a real difference. Plus, you could win FREE feed, cool swag, and discounts just for showing up!

Date: February 12 
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: St. Lawrence Fire Hall

4995 State Rd 175

Hartford WI 53027

Snacks and refreshments will be provided, but you need to RSVP Angie at 262-224-2348 by February 8.

Art and Communications written in white with a 4-H green background.
Many youth showing the art projects they made.

Art Beat 2025

Who’s Got the Beat!
As we settle into the rhythms of winter, it is a perfect time to think about art and our next major 4-H State Arts activity, Art Beat! Actually, when isn’t a good time to think about art? Art Beat is for any 4-H member in grades 3-5 and will be held at Upham Woods March 15-16. You can register through 4HOnline. Applications will be open January 20-February 17 or until the camp fills.

What is it?
Art Beat is a 4-H, hands-on, interactive art experience in beautiful Upham Woods in the Wisconsin Dells. Participants will learn to juggle, make visual arts, create a STEAM project, explore music, and much, much more. Art Beat is led by older 4-H youth and professional artists in a variety of disciplines from painting, theater, textiles, and music. 4-Hers will also get to experience an overnight camp adventure. The goal of Art Beat is to help young people to explore their artistic sparks.
Youth Leaders written in white with a green background.
TLA members, leaders, and parents standing with some of the digs from Jim's Siberian Outpost.

Teen Leaders Association

The Teen Leader's Association (TLA) went to Jim's Siberian Outpost in Malone on January 11. They learned alot about dog sledding. Wheeled carts were used for mushing since there was not much snow. Everyone enjoyed playing with the dogs and fun was had by all. Valentine Cards were made by TLA members after the Janaury 27 TLA Meeting. Valentines were given to a nearby care facility.
Jim from Siberian's Outpost gives youth rides in his mushing cart. Red, white, and pink Valentine cards made by TLA members.
Project Learning written in white. There is a white outline of someone's head with their brain. The background is 4-H green.

Project Leader Training During Family Learning Day  Saturday, February 22

Are you looking for ways to get more involved? Do you have a hobby, skill, or career to share with youth? Join the growing list of project leaders for Fond du Lac County! This training will provide resources, guidance, and hands-on learning on how to lead project meetings.

Past participants have said:
  • "Met new people and had fun doing the activities."
  • "Learned about volunteer resources."
  • "Excited to try the 4-H Project meeting plan."
  • "Looking forward to the resources. I thought I'd have to create everything!"
  • "Potential leaders will be excited to see there is support for them in the projects."
The county requires project leaders, so youth can learn by doing. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy. Several project areas have many youth enrolled but no leader to teach them.
Register here: https://forms.gle/ceH2QhFVKSexv3ts5.

Take the first step towards making a difference in the lives of our youth by signing up for the training today! The deadline to register is February 19, 2025.

Opportunites written in white, along with hands in white and with a green background

2024-2025 FDL County 4-H Calendars

We are excited to announce that each 4-H Family will receive a printed calendar for the 2024-2025 4-H year. These calendars have been distributed to the club leaders along with a roster. However, we understand that not all families may have received their calendars yet, and we want to ensure that everyone gets one.

These calendars aim to help families plan out the 4-H year effectively. If you have not received your calendar, please fill out the Google form below. We want to make sure every family is well-prepared for the exciting year ahead!

Additionally, we would love to hear your feedback on the calendar. Please provide your thoughts and suggestions using the Google Form provided. Your input is valuable to us and will help improve future editions. The form is 3 questions.

Google Form: https://forms.gle/qQf2zRwyxMMJm8rn8 

Family Learning Day Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to help ensure Family Learning Day runs smoothly. We need help at the registration table, help directing youth and parents to classes, and with clean-up. Anyone who volunteers or presents at Family Learning Day receives a free lunch. Please review the available slots in the Sign Up Genius form below. Thank you!
Upcoming Events written in white with a green background and a clipart calendar that is white and green.

Art Beat Registration

  • January 20 - February 17 through 4honline

Family Learning Day 

  • February 22, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fond du Lac County Campus (FCC)
  • Sign-Up to volunteer at Sign Up Genius 

Project Leaders Training

  • February 22, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fond du Lac County Campus (FCC)

Teen Leaders Association Meeting

  • February 24, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room

LEGO Club Meeting

  • February 25, 6:30 pm, Fond du Lac County Campus (FCC)
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Photo of Tracy Keifenheim. She has brown hair and a cream colored shirt and black sweater on. Photo of Tina Engelhardt. She has blonde hair with a black cardigan over a red shirt.
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