4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, March 1, 2024
| Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well!
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Welcome Kelsey, Bilingual 4-H Associate Educator!Mucho gusto - nice to meet you! My name is Kelsey Beine and I am excited to join the Fond du Lac County 4-H team. My education background includes degrees in math, Spanish, and leadership, and I have enjoyed teaching all of these subjects to both high school and college students. I am a proud 4-H alumna of 13 years, with lots of experience in club and county leadership, and a few travel experiences along the way! Outside of 4-H (and sometimes in 4-H, too!), I can be found teaching yoga and meditation, knitting, doing nature photography, and touring the Wisconsin state parks with my partner. My focus will be on expanding the 4-H program and working with underserved audiences in Fond du Lac County. Afterschool 4-H clubs and programming will be one of my priorities. I look forward to learning and discovering with you - 4-H adventures await!
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Busy Bees Club Makes Valentine's CardsBusy Bees recently made Valentine's cards for the residents of Tower View!
Submitted by: Taylor G
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Artbeat!Register by March 1, 2024, to secure your spot!
When: Saturday, March 16, 2024 (10am-4pm)
Where: Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells
Youth registration: $60; Additional family youth registration: $45; Adult chaperone: $30.
4-H ArtBEAT! is the introductory program for Wisconsin 4-H expressive arts and was created for 4-H members in grades 3-5, their parents and leaders. ArtBEAT! provides an opportunity for youth and their parents to experience different art forms in a camping environment at the Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center in Wisconsin Dells. ArtBEAT! Track leaders are older 4-H Youth, 4-H Adult Leaders, and staff. The event offers a taste of several arts projects including music, visual arts, communication, and more!
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YQCA Sessions Offered in PersonThe Market Livestock Committee has some upcoming opportunities for youth to earn points toward the auction at the Fond du Lac County Fair! Mark your calendars for an in-person YQCA session on either March 2nd at Ripon High School from 9 am-10 am or March 10th at Rolling Meadows 1:30 pm-2:30 pm. YQCA is required, so take it in person or an online course!
Save the date for March 10th because we have an amazing opportunity for you to explore and learn about our incredible sheep, beef, and swine species! Join us at the Rolling Meadows Golf Course meeting room for three informative sessions. The sheep session will run from 10 am-11 am, beef from 11 am-12 pm, and swine from 12 pm-1 pm. Feel free to attend all the sessions or simply choose the ones you're most interested in! We want to cater to your interests and make sure you have a blast while racking up those points!
Rolling Meadows- 560 W Rolling Meadows Drive, FDL
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| Market Livestock Orientation Meeting
Market Livestock Orientation Meeting is Monday, March 18th at 7:00 pm in the Recreation Building at the Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds. Remember this counts towards your educational points to be eligible to sell your animal! Please feel free to forward your points/educational opportunities to our email at fdlmarketlivestock@gmail.com.
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WI 4-H Foundation Scholarships Due March 1Attention WI 4-H Graduates! Time is ticking on submitting your scholarship applications!
Don't miss your chance. Deadline is March 1, 2024. Take these important steps:
- Review the scholarship eligibility requirements and make sure you qualify.
- Craft an impactful application cover letter and resume - don't forget to check it for errors.
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Creative Arts Festival Seeking Committee MembersWe are seeking youth and adults to be on the planning committee for The Creative Arts Festival. Without a committee, this event cannot happen. The committee would meet a few times and plan details for the event. Details would be date, location, judges, categories, awards, etc. We would like to establish a committee by March 1!
**If there isn't enough interest, we will not hold a festival in 2024.
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| March:
WI 4-H Foundation Scholarship Deadline - March 1
Summer Academy Registration opens March 1
YQCA In-Person Sessions- March 2, 9:00 -10:00 am, Ripon High School
- March 10, 1:30- 2:30 pm, Rolling Meadows
Show Pig Workshop- March 9, 10:30 am- 12:00 pm, Green Lake County Government Center, Training Room #0914
Market Livestock Educational Sessions- March 10, 10:00 am- 1:00 pm, Rolling Meadows
- Sessions: Sheep, Beef, Swine
Fond du Lac County 4-H Horse Project Educational Session- Register by March 5th
- March 10, 1:00 pm
Livestock Skillathon & Quiz BowlMarket Livestock Orientation Meeting- March 18, 7:00 pm, Recreation Building at the FDL Fairgrounds
Teen Leaders Association- March 3, 1:00 pm, Bowling at Ledgeview Lanes, 170 Prairie Rd, Fond du Lac
- March 25, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room
LEGO Club- March 26, 6:30 pm, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
Mini-Project Day- March 28, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
- Cloverbud Session: 9 am -12 pm; 3rd-8th grade members Session: 1-4 pm
- Register in 4-H Online Registration Open Monday, March 4- Friday, March 15
Mini-Project Day- April 1, UWO Fond du Lac Campus
- Cloverbud Session: 9 am -12 pm; 3rd-8th grade members Session: 1-4 pm
- Register in 4-HOnline. Registration Open Monday, March 4- Friday, March 15
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