Dinosaurs Sat on Eggs? COVID Connections; Skills Scientists Need
Dinosaurs Sat on Eggs? COVID Connections; Skills Scientists Need
Fossil suggests some dinosaurs brooded like birds; art ed major recognized for innovation during pandemic; faculty collaborate on professional-skills book; and more
Sedition Explained: Constitution in Crisis

Sedition Explained

In the third and final installment of the Constitution in Crisis series, Department of Political Science faculty members David Chambers and Gwen Torges explain what sedition is and how it relates to recent events in Washington, DC.
photo of Shundong Bi
“It is the first time that an adult [oviraptorid, a bipedal theropod dinosaur of the late Cretaceous] has been found atop embryo-bearing eggs.”
—Shundong Bi, professor, Biology Department
A volunteer at Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library in Northumberland, art education major Kaitlyn Carey was recognized for creating innovative ways of connecting with library patrons during the coronavirus pandemic.
Fair Book Promotes Professional Skills in Chemistry; IUP Colleagues Contribute
Liu Speaks Internationally, Publishes Journal Article
Recent activities for Foreign Languages faculty member Shijuan Liu have included the following:
Writing across the Curriculum Director Bryna Siegel Finer was interviewed on the Pedagogue podcast about teaching basic writing, writing placement, and her book, Writing Program Architecture. Listen to the episode.
Student Assistance Fund
Help those facing financial hardship stay in school
The Penn
IUP’s student-run newspaper
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