Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
www.ecsnj.org friendsofelysian.org
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director
Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter

A Positively Different Public School

March 21, 2016         Vol. 11  Issue 27
Please note that the school newsletter is sent out on Mondays.  When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day.  Please send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.

The weekly newsletter is archived on Elysian's website, www.ecsnj.org, so that you can always access both the most recent newsletter as well as all previous ones.
Harry's Corner    
When Is a Child Too Sick for School?
This article appeared in The New York Times Well Blog on March 15, 2016
Sometimes, figuring out whether a child is too sick for school is an easy call. A vomiting child, or one with a fever or a raging case of pink eye, is clearly taking the day off. Some schools are even kind enough to spell out the parameters for a return to the classroom, asking that children stay home for 24 hours after the last symptoms or after starting a course of antibiotics.
Those are the easy cases. But at our house, which includes two adults and four kids, this year’s illnesses have not been so neatly categorized. Several of us have had nagging coughs of the deep, juicy, please-keep-that-away-from-me variety that dragged on for weeks. Others have complained of stomach misery, but never made use of the bucket next to the bed. We’ve had endless sniffles and endless debates about whether a child should just push through and go to school or stay home.
No one wants to infect an entire classroom. But we all know that there are times when even a child who isn’t feeling 100 percent really needs to grab the backpack and go.
The debate is complicated by the kind of child you have. Is your child a reluctant student at best, or a driven achiever who has to be forced to stay home? Unless it’s something readily detected, like a fever, “it’s very hard for me to tell if they’re just trying to get out of class,” said Kate Alexander, a school nurse in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. She has some “frequent flyers,” she says, who often just need a break from the classroom. But for those she doesn’t see often, she tries to work with the child to decide together whether he or she can go back to class.
As a parent, I find that a challenge as well. My kids are 9, 10, 11 and 14, with varying degrees of enthusiasm about school attendance. When one of my children didn’t get enough sleep and insists that he or she doesn’t feel well at the 6:20 Monday morning wake-up, it’s probably true, but is a “rest day” warranted?
“Some kids say, ‘I have a cold,’ and I say, ‘that’s O.K., you can have a cold and still be here,’” said Ms. Alexander. Her response depends in part on age. “A kindergartner with a cold really can’t do anything. As they get older, that changes. By the time they get to fifth grade I’m trying to toughen them up. I have to say, in a very nice way, I know you don’t feel your best but you need to be here.”
How do we toughen up our children just enough that they become adults who can power through a cold, but aren’t putting everyone at risk of the flu in the mistaken belief that it’s never an option to stay home?
“I try to push, a little bit, in the sense that if the kid were just given their own choice, they probably wouldn’t go,” says Angela Duckworth, author of the forthcoming book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” and a researcher and psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania. “They need to learn to be comfortable being a little bit uncomfortable.”
Learning to find that space where a child is “a little uncomfortable” but not putting herself or others at risk helps a child learn to expand her “distress tolerance” in other areas, says Dr. Duckworth. “Most kids will not be able on their own to make the generalization, well, I went to school when I wasn’t feeling great, I can also struggle a little bit in my math class when I’m not feeling great. I can handle it. This isn’t just being sick, this is dealing with a challenge.”
Those choices don’t just affect our children, but the way others view them. Miss the first few days of class for illness, and you may find yourself struggling to overcome a reputation as a slacker for an entire semester. Show up and perform even though it’s tough, and you have a teacher (or, in later years, a boss) who knows that when you call in sick, it’s real. That’s a lesson children need to learn.
The initial choice to go to school or stay home, though, is still not an easy one. As a nurse, Ms. Alexander suggests setting parameters that are similar to those the school uses, and sticking to them. “Toe a tough line,” she says. “No fever, no vomiting, off you go.” Talk to the school nurse about your concerns, she says, and try to agree that the nurse will send the child back to class if at all possible. And when a child does stay home, “I wouldn’t make it fun,” she says. “They’re going to rest and not just watch TV or play games all day.”
Teachers, nurses and parents can disagree on when a child should stay at school. “I’ve encountered many situations where teachers want to send students home in fear of contaminating others,” said Bonnie Lee, a school nurse at an elementary school in Edenton, N.C. By doing “a thorough nursing assessment, and utilizing evidence-based practice guidelines,” she often finds that the student is able to remain in class. Adrian Wood, a parent in the same school district, says that keeping her elementary school-aged children home sometimes results in “a stern letter regarding the importance of attendance.”
Of course, for some families, being able to keep a child home is a luxury. Ms. Lee says she sometimes sees children come to school with a high fever, and is unable to reach an adult to come to take the child home, or has parents tell her that they can’t leave a work shift to pick up a child having an asthma attack. In her view — and mine — the children whose parents can afford to weigh the risks and benefits of coddling versus grit are the lucky ones. 
After School Homework Help
Please note:  After School Homework Help will be cancelled for this Thursday, March 24th.
It has become increasingly clear that hoverboards are extremely dangerous, not only to ride, but also to store.  Starting immediately, hoverboards may not be brought into Elysian.  They may not be stored in lockers, hallways, classrooms stairwell.  Thank you for your cooperation.  
Mile Square Theatre to Host Hilarious Fundraiser for Elysian!
Circus Minimus: One-Man Circus-In-a-Suitcase
Saturday, April 30 – 11 am • 2 pm. • 5 pm
Mile Square Theatre
1408 Clinton Street, Hoboken, New Jersey
$40 Adults • $20 Kids • At checkout, use school code “ECS”
(url below)
ON SATURDAY, APRIL 30, Hoboken’s Mile Square Theatre will host three performances of  “Circus Minimus: One-Man Circus-In-a-Suitcase” to benefit Elysian Charter School, Hoboken Charter School, Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (HoLa) and the theatre’s own education scholarship fund.
“From the suitcase of the multi-talented Kevin O’Keefe, an entire circus emerges: tent, band, lights, and a collection of comedic circus characters he inhabits. Included are a boisterous ringmaster, officious usher, glamorous “magician to the stars,” and even an entire family of juggling acrobats. However, the most important performers emerge from the audience. Each performance becomes a dialogue between the characters and the audience—a light-hearted collaboration.”
3 PERFORMANCES – ONE DAY: On Saturday, April 30 only, you can catch the show at 11 am, 2 pm or 5 pm.
$40 Adults • $20 Kids
Elysian will receive half of each ticket sold using the school code “ECS.” Go to the url below and at checkout, enter school code “ECS” in the discount code field in order for Elysian to receive its designated funds.
* All three schools have equal access to each show time, so if you want to get a group together for a certain time, it’s best to buy your tickets sooner than later!
OUR THANKS to Elysian parents Chris O’Connor & Annie McAdams, and Zabrina Stoffel, all from Mile Square Theatre and new this year to the Elysian community!
* Any questions, please email friends@ecsnj.org.    
Elysian Spring Track Team
Information and Registration
Coach Jason Morales
(contact:  551-556-6169)
or via email- jason.morales@ecsnj.org 
  • The track team is open to all students from grades Kindergarten through 8.
  • All students must have a completed physical form (physical completed within the last 365 day) on file in the nurse's office. These forms were sent home during the summer. They are also available on our website--www.ecsnj.org, click on Parent Resources, then Forms. It is the second  form, entitled "Preparticipation Physical Evaluation," and begins on the second page. It is four pages long
  • All parents must sign the "Concussion Information and Sign-off" form, also found at www.ecsnj.org.  Click on Parent Resources, then Forms. The last page of this form must be signed and given to the coach at the first practice.  
  • Also on the Forms page, please read the brochure entitled "Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes."
  • Track practices will all take place at 1600 Park Ave, Hoboken NJ from 3:00 - 4:00pm   ** Dates to be announced after Spring Break **
     Students may be walked over to practice by an aftercare staff member or myself. Students who self-dismiss may walk there on their own.  Dismissal procedures will be based upon the instructions below.
  • Track meets will all take place at Lincoln Park in Jersey City (blue-track)     ** Dates to be announced after Spring Break **  
  • Parents are responsible for bringing and picking up their children from track meets.                                                                                                                   
Please return registration form to the school office or email to Jason.morales@ecsnj.org
Student's Name_________________________________________
Student's Teacher________________________________________
Dismissal instructions:     
___   Parent will pick child up
___   Name and phone number of person who will pick up
___  Child may self-dismiss 
___Preparticipation Physical Examination Form is on file with the nurse (please note, no child without this form on file, may participate).
Telephone number where you may be reached during practice/meets:

Email address__________________________________________
Parent's name____________________________________________
Parent's signature_________________________________________

I want to thank all of the Elysian basketball players and coaches for all their hard work and dedication this season. I'm very proud of everyone.

Coach Adam 

PTSO Corner - Square 1 Art Extended

IT'S NOT TOO LATE.....  The deadline to turn in Square 1 Art order forms to your child's teacher was TODAY!  But don't worry... if you didn't get a chance to do it, kept getting distracted with other things or just plain forgot YOU HAVE 1 MORE CHANCE!  You can still place your order ON-LINE AT SQUARE1ART.COM/SHOP UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 AT MIDNIGHT!   Show your child how proud you are of their accomplishments by ordering items with their unique artwork -- and don't forget to get something for the grandparents and their babysitter while supporting our school!  Questions, email Pam at pam.gorode@ecsnj.org.

..... to consider volunteering to lead an after school enrichment club for our Spring session.  It's rewarding, it's fun and your kids think it's cool when you do it!  Do you enjoy tackling DIY projects, are you a crafty person, do you have a unique talent or hobby you'd like to share with others?  Then what are you waiting for??  Elysian is looking for a few good men/women (aka parents) to helm a Spring after school club. Session to begin April 8th and run for 8 weeks.    

Please give it some thought over the holiday break and consider volunteering your time and your talents with our students.  Not sure if your idea would be a good "fit" for a club, need some help in running the club or just want more information before signing up... please email Pam at pam.clubs@ecsnj.org.  Thank you. 
Information About Class Trips/ORGS ONLINE
 Effective immediately, class trips that incur a fee of $25 or less can only be paid for BY CASH OR CHECK (payable to Elysian Charter School).  We will NOT be posting trips with fees of $25.00 or under on ORGS ONLINE any longer.   Many of you have expressed concern over the $4.00 surcharge when paying for trips online, so this will no longer be a factor when paying for those less costly trips.  It will also make it easier for teachers to track trip payments and be less of a burden on parents to remember to log on to pay.  When returning a permission slip to your child's teacher, please remember to attach the cash or check payment. Thank you.    
GOODNIGHT MOON at Mile Square Theatre
Adapted from GOODNIGHT MOON by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
Saturday, April 9 @ 2pm (sold out) and 5pm
Sunday, April 10 @ 11am and 2pm
Saturday, April 16 @ 2pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 17 @ 11am and 2pm
Saturday, April 23 @ 2pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 24 @ 11am and 2pm
Sunday, April 24 @ 5pm Autism-Friendly Performance

Tickets:   Adults: $25/ Children and Seniors: $15

MST @ The Artisan, 1408 Clinton Street, Hoboken

Purchase tickets at www.milesquaretheatre.org
GOODNIGHT MOON is recommended for all audiences 4 years and up. 

Please note:  several Elysian classes have tickets to go during the school day. 
Reminder: Check Out the Lost and Found in the Main Office  
Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education:  Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!
MARCH Calendar
Monday, March 21
  • The New Victory visits to conduct workshops for 7th and 8th grades
  • Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 PM
  • Square 1 orders are extended until Wednesday..
Tuesday, March 22
  • 6th grade trip
  • Postponed until after the break: After School Art Salon - Zentangles with Willa and Lilly 
Wednesday, March 23
  • Square 1 Art Orders are due today!
  • Picture Book Seminar trip
Thursday, March 24
  • After School Homework Help will be cancelled for today.
Friday, March 25 - Friday, April 1
Elysian closed for Spring Break

APRIL Calendar
Monday, April 5
  • Zentangles Art Salon with Lilly and Willa, 3:00 PM, 3rd floor lobby, refreshments served
Monday April 12
  • Art Salon with Tommy Cook, 3:00 PM, 3rd floor lobby, refreshments served
Thursday, April 14
  • Amanda''s (1st grade) class trip
  • Kindergarten (Josie and Abra) class trip
Friday, April 15
  • Amanda (3rd grade) class trip
  • Joanna (1st grade) class trip
Saturday, April 16
  • Basketbal Challenge, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday, April 18 
  • Parent-teacher Conferences
Tuesday, April 19
  • Parent-teacher Conferences
  • Art Salon with Channing Prins, 3:00 PM, 3rd floor lobby, refreshments served.
Wednesday, April 20
  • Half Day of School for parent-teacher conferences, 12:30 dismissal, After School Program available as usual.
Thursday, April 21
  • Parent-teacher Conferences
Friday, April 22
  • Parent-teacher Conferences
Monday, April 25
  • 7:00 PM Board of Trustees meeting
Tuesday, April 26
  • Art Salon with Becky Klein Cohen, 3:00 PM, 3rd floor lobby, refreshments served.
Friday, April 29
  • 6th Grade Trip

1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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